Chapter 2 - For You, My Friend

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(Pierce's POV)

"Zayne, bro." I laughed. "What happened?"

He shook his head and gestured for me to follow him as he passed me. My best friend had just walked away from a group of girls that I told him to leave alone.

A group of preppy bitches, they turned his ass down flat as his face blushed red.

I told him to not go over there. Badass guys don't mix with the goody-goodies, that fucking shit only happens in the books and movies. It's like seeing a unicorn, never happens in real life.

"They turned your ass down, huh?" I snickered again, looking back at the girls. Not surprised to see one of them staring this way with a disgusting look on her face. So, I did what any gentleman would in my position, flipped her the fuck off.

Her face turned into complete and utter shock before she looked back to her friends. Quickly saying something to them they took one glance at me and stalked away.

"Man, those bitches were like monster bitches." He shook his head in disbelief. "They looked at me like I was gum on the bottom of their  shoes or something."

I snorted. "Rich, stuck up, daddy's girl bitches. I wouldn't date one, I'd fuck one and leave her." I laughed.

"I'm saying though." Zayne said.

We walked through the mall with no money to buy a damn thing, just window shopping. I haven't had money since my time in the streets. Shit was coming in then, now I'd rather have my freedom.

Something I came close to losing not to mention because of bullshit ass dudes who said they had my back.

"Where the fuck is Jess' ass at?" I asked Zayne with a chuckle.

Zayne just shrugged, walking towards Hot Topic. I just followed him. "Not sure man, but you know how Jess is."

"True." I nodded. We took a look around the store for a while, looking at things we couldn't afford for shit. "Damn, this is a nice ass wallet." I said to Zayne, holding it up so he could see it. Its black leather and tough steel chain had me wanting it, but without any money, I  knew it wasn't going to happen.

Frowning, I placed it back on the shelf. "That is nice." Zayne said looking at it as I placed it back down on the shelf.

We left the store empty-handed and headed for the exit or at least I  thought we did. As soon as we were safe outside Zayne pulled me to the side and reached into the side pocket of his black cargo pants.

He hadn't said a thing about what the fuck he was doing and I was about to ask until he pulled out the wallet that I wanted back at the store. "Holy shit!" I chuckled, taking the wallet from him, the chain shined in the little sunlight we had left.

The sun was setting and I knew Zayne and Jess were going to wanna head to the stoner park.

"For you, my friend." He laughed.

"Damn, thanks, bro." I smiled down at my present.

This is why this fool is my best friend and that will never change.

Zayne waved me off. "No, biggie."

After hopping on our bikes and leaving the mall we decided to hit up the stoner park. I'm not that into drugs and shit, but they always have good booze this time of night. Not to mention the fact that they like getting high the night before school.

I honestly don't understand that one.

We pulled up to the park and killed our engines. It was now dark out,  any light that we had from the sun was now gone for the rest of the day. We had to travel a good distance to reach this place, it was further into the worse side of town. Away from ours.

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