Chapter 2.

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Chapter 2.


"Can't you call in sick today?" I asked Sana. She sighs and continue to wash the dishes from breakfast.

"I can't. I don't want to get fired." She givesme the same reply like she has given me since yesterday. 

"Fine then go on your work!" I yelled and walk out of the house slamming the door behind me. I started my car and drive away. 

I am not mad at her, but at her boss. I want her to spend her day with me, but her boss called her. She tried to argue, but her boss gives her choices, to stay at home and lose her job or she could come today and take a day off some other day. She choose second option because she loves her job, but it is taking her away from me and it is not fair. I was out of my thoughts when I heard my phone ringing. I stop on the side of the road and pick up Mom call.

"Yes, Mom?" I let out a sigh and wait for her to talk. 

"Are you okay? You sound sad." She says. I look out of the window, seeing people walking. 

"I am fine, Mom. I was just stressed out because of some work." I never lie to her before, but now I am and I hate myself for that.

"Well, then this is the perfect time for you and Sana takes few days off from work and go somewhere to enjoy." She told him. I shake my head unknowing that Mom can't see me.

"We can't Mom. We had to go our office beside that Sana boss wouldn't even let her take leave." I told her. 

"So that means you both are not coming tonight for your anniversary party." Mom didn't ask me. She knows it. 

"Yes. We couldn't make it tonight." I says and wait for her to lecture me but she didn't. She quietly gives her goodbyes and hung up.


When I step back in my house after spending my all day out. I spent almost all day at beach, staring at the water and went to park in the evening. I had lunch and bring some take out for dinner Sana and me because I know she hates to cook when she got home from work. I put the box of food on the kitchen counter and walk upstairs in my room. 

When I walk in, I expected to see the Sana taking rest like she usually does after getting home but I didn't see her. The room was empty and I check the bathroom as well. I went downstairs to see her and as I pass living room, I saw her sleeping on couch. I sigh and shake my head. I walk toward her and kneel down. I smiled and push her hairs back to see her face. Leaning forward I press a light kiss on her forehead. 

"I am sorry for what yelling at you this morning." I whisper and pulled back. I quietly pick her up and take her upstairs in our room. I stood up after putting her to bed and pulled the cover up to her chin. 

"It's okay." I was about to walk away when I heard her. I look at her surprised and smiled when she open her eyes to look at me softly.

"Did you eat dinner?" I asked her to sit beside her and combing her hairs softly with my fingers. She nodded and I feel a pain my heart thinking that she eat without me. I give her a small smile and told her to sleep before walking out to go downstairs. 

I walk in the kitchen and stare at the dinner on the counter. I sigh and put everything in the fridge and pour myself a glass of water. I went back in the room to change my clothes and to get some sleep.


"No, don't pick me up. I will be working late tonight." Sana says as I called her to ask when should I pick her up. 

"Okay." I cut the call without listening to her. I was upset because I think of surprising her by taking her out on dinner. 

I went home when it was time for me to leave the office and drive back home. When I reach home, I sigh seeing the light on above the door. It must be Mom checking us, how we are doing. I grab my bag and lock my car after getting out. I walk inside slowly thinking what will I say if Mom asked me about Sana. 

I walk in the living room to give my Salam to Mom, but stop and my eyes widened when I look around. All couches were lined up on the wall and in the center of the room was a fluffy red rug. A piece was of white cloth neatly place on top of the rug. In the middle of that there two big bowls, plates and glasses were set and there were also big cushions around it for us to sit on it. There were fairy lights were around the rug giving the room a soft dim light. 

"What is this?" I asked Sana when I saw her standing on the side. I slowly walk toward her and saw smiling at me.

"This is making up for not celebrating our anniversary together." Sana says as I stop in front of her. I smiled at her softly and leaned down to kiss her forehead. 

"You don't have to do all this. I am not mad at you." I told her after pulling back. She smiled and look down. 

"I know you are not mad, but you are upset." I sigh and nodded knowing she is right. I frowned, thinking how she did all this. I know she couldn't do this alone because she is not that type of person who could set all this. 

I walk upstairs in our room when she told me to freshen up. I walk out of a bathroomafter changing my cloths and getting fresh. When I walk downstairs, I saw Sana doing something on her phone. When she saw me she put her phone back and smiled at me. I take my seat with a smile. 

"How did you think of this?" I asked her as Sana serve my plate with my favorite dinner. 

"Actually, it wasn't my idea. Your cousin called me to ask if I am free to go shopping with her. Then she asked me about the anniversary and I told her honestly. She told me to do something special for you so she suggest this and helped me to do everything." She explains. I swallow and nodded slowly. I know who she is talking about.

I never really think that she would ever help Sana with all this. I think that after rejecting her, she would hate Sana but she didn't. She was upset first, but as the time passes, she get over it and this is the thing I like about her. I think I should talk to her because last time I did was before that proposal. I really hope she forgive me for doing all that because she is the only one I could count on when I was upset or in some problem.


Update! I hope you all like it and let me know what you think about it.

About next chapter. It will be out next Wednesday.

Thank you for your support! ☺


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