Chapter 3.

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Chapter 3.


I woke up as I heard my alarm. I sigh and shut it off before sitting on the bed. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I make my way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. I switch on the lights and look myself in the mirror. My face looks a little pale and there were light bags under my eyes. My eyes that were once filled with happiness are now empty. 

Opening the faucet, I started to freshen up to go downstairs to start my day. I change into a sweatpants and a long shirt with veil around my neck. As I pass his room, I hear some light ruffling voice from inside. I quickly walk downstairs and started to make his breakfast before he had a chance to leave without eating like always. I know why he is doing this. He didn't want to see me in the morning that is why he leave before I could wake up. 

I quickly prepare his breakfast and set it on the table for him. I walk back in the kitchen to get his coffee and put it beside his breakfast. I sigh and stood at the end of the stairs waiting for him. I stood there for almost half an hour before I heard his footsteps coming down. I looked up and saw him dressed in formal clothes. I had never really seen him in like this, but it kind of suits him. 

"Your breakfast in on table." I told him as he walks past me to go toward the front door. I saw as he stops and glance in the dining area that was attached with open kitchen. 

"You don't have to." Was all he says and walk toward the table. I went in kitchen to pack his lunch. He always likes to eat lunch that was made at home. He didn't like to eat from out much.

"Wait." I quickly close the lid when I saw him leaving. I pick it up and walk over him. He gives me a confused look as I held the box out for him. 

"What is this?"

"Your lunch. You always take lunch from home." I say and swallow nervously as he give me a hard look. 

"I used to. Now I don't and please stop all this. We only married because of our Moms. If I could go back in time, I would and erase everything that happened. It was all your mistake." I looked at him, surprised and feel tears gather in my eyes. He glared at me last time before walking out of the house. I blink and tears started to fall. 

It wasn't my mistake. It wasn't my mistake that Sana left him. It wasn't my mistake that we get married. Aazim didn't know what happened that time and what they had taken away from me. He would never believe me if I tell him. I don't even tell anything about that to my Mom. Only one person knows about it who I could trust.

I wipe my face and shake my head when the memories started to come back in my mind. I don't want to think about it right now. I went back in the kitchen and put the box on the counter and start cleaning everything that I used to make breakfast. 

When I was done with all housework, I sit on couch in living room and close my eyes. It is almost evening and I had nothing else to do. Aazim will be back late because he always does since we get married. I don't know where he eats dinner or spent his time, but I have been always wide awake when he gets home and he thinks that I wasn't.

It has been 3 weeks since we get married and in these 3 weeks he never tries to talk to me or try to clear everything. I don't know what is going in his mind or what he is doing. I just know that he ignored me whenever I tried to talk to him about that day and it hurts me so much. I just want to clear the misunderstanding between us, but he is not giving me a chance. I am doing what she told me to do, but Aazim is pushing me away.

Before we were married, he sent me a letter through Hadi Bhai in which he says, then I didn't mean anything to him, but still I had a little hope in my heart about getting a small place in his heart.

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