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"Ladies and Gentlemen, can I have your attention please," Ashton said out loud. He wrapped his left arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him.

"I present you guys, Annabeth Chase, daughter of Riverdale's Mayor, my new girlfriend."

My eyes widened. I had never actually thought he would say it in front of everyone! This is so freaking humiliating oh my god. This jerk! I scanned around the cafeteria and almost every girl sending me death glares. If looks could kill, I would probably be dead right now. The cafeteria is now full of whispers.

"Okay guys. Show's over. Go back to your lunch," Natty announced to all the student body before practically dragging Ashton and me outside.

* * * * *

"Oh my god, I can't believe this!!! So are you guys really official? Yasssssss, my ship is finally sailing!" gushed Natty.

"What ship?" asked Ashton.

"Annaton!! I thought about Ashbeth but obviously Annaton sounds like way better," she said as if she was stating the obvious.

"So when are you guys going on your first date? What are you gonna wear? Have you guys kissed yet? OMG you don't know how long I had waited for this day to come!!" Natty is practically jumping up and down with excitement now.

"Okay Natty, cut it down. You should go back inside. We need some...moments,"Ashton said.

"Oh, definitely, sure! Tell me when you guys are going on your first date!!" she replied before I pushed her away.

Immediately after she left, there was an awkward silence between us. I heard someone's stomach grumbling. And it wasn't mine. I peeked at him from the corner of my eye, and I saw that his face was bright red. I chuckled and reached for my backpack to give him my sandwich that was supposed to be my breakfast.

"Here," I said, handing the sandwich to him.

"Huh? Then what are you going to eat?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

Oh my freaking holy god that was adorable!!! Okay, focus Annabeth.

"O-oh, I have some granola bars. I'm not that hungry," I stammered.

He ate in silence while I looked at the clouds. I felt his eyes on me and I turned around to look at him. I saw his face and started laughing till tears actually came out of my eyes.

"What," he demanded.

"Y-you have mayonnaise on your face," I said, clutching my stomach, trying to contain my laughter. I felt his glare on me but I can't stop laughing.

I took a piece of tissue out of my pocket and wiped it off for him. Is it just me or I saw his face turned red before he slapped off my hand and turned away?

As if it can sense the awkwardness between us, the bell started to ring, signaling that we should go to our first afternoon class. We said our goodbyes and left in separate ways.

[Ashton's POV]

Why did I actually agree to let her become my girlfriend again? She is right. She's nothing close to the type of girls that I usually be with. But, to be honest, she's not that boring to hang out with, and is unlike all those fake girls who used to cling onto be the whole time as if I'm their dear life. She is, I guess...What's the word? Acceptable?

Or maybe, the only reason I accepted her is because I would be close to Natalie again. For some reason, she just dislikes me. I guess it's just hate at first sight. But I still have a chance to be with you Natalie, thanks to your smart best friend. In the end, Ashton Taylor always gets what he wants. All I have to do is to break Anna's heart, and Natalie will come to me.

I'll use you, Annabeth Chase, to win the girl that should've been mine the whole time.

Get ready for your first heartbreak tomorrow.

* * * * *

I texted Anna, informing her that I will go pick her up (even though we are just neighbors) for breakfast tomorrow at 7. We had each others phone numbers because we used to be really good friends along with Natalie during middle school.

I got ready and rang her doorbell at exactly 7 the next day, with Bethany next to me, clinging onto my arm.

"Who- Oh, hey Ashton!" Anna greeted.

"Hello, this is Bethany. She works at the cafe where we would be having breakfast at, so I thought that I might as well give her a ride there," Now, in less than 5 seconds, she will be shouting at Bethany. That's what always happened with the girls I used to be with.






"Hey Bethany! Nice to meet you! I'm Annabeth Chase," she held out her hand for a handshake.

"Hello," Bethany answered cooly, not bothering to shake Anna's hand (since she was too busy clinging onto me).

Excuse me what? Is she not angry? I don't even think that Anna acknowledges the fact that someone is holding onto her boyfriend's arm right now.

"Let's go, shall we?"I said, irritated.

I started to drive and Anna volunteered to sit at the back seat. I examined her from the rear-mirrored, but she was too absorbed in her music and her iPad. Does she really not care about what's happening? I can't read what she's thinking through her face! Bethany kept flirting with me, but I ignored her and from time to time, I look at Anna through the mirror, but she is still oblivious to her surroundings. God dammit! She should be the frustrated one, not me!

We finally arrived at the cafe.

"Ash, thanks for the ride!" Bethany left and kissed me on the cheek.

There's no way that Anna could've missed that one. I turned around to look at her. But she's smiling? That was nowhere near the expression that I was hoping she would have! Is she hiding the fact that she was hurt?

Damn, she is one hella girl.



Hey guys! This chapter has about 1000 words! I'll try to write more next time! Hope you enjoyed some awkward Annaton moments, haha! Early update even though I should probably be doing my homework now. 

Next update: Sometimes next Wednesday ~ Friday (11/22~11/24)

Teaser: Anna meets with Julian, and something happens.

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