Chapter 39

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Jungkook skimmed through his room to look for the things he might need for the trip. After two rounds of going around and still not picking anything, he huffed and dropped on the bed.

"How are we supposed to pack without any clue of where we are going?"

Jimin was about to respond when the door opened and Hoseok entered followed by Taehyung who was clinging on to him like a koala. Jungkook averted his gaze towards the floor instantly before his eyes could meet Taehyung's. When Hoseok closed the door begin him, Taehyung finally sighed in relief and stretched himself to stand straight.

Before the situation could get awkward between them, Jimin stood up with his hands on his hips as he glared at Hoseok. The older only blinked unaware of what was happening.

"Why did you ask for only Namjoon hyung to come?" Jimin asked with a pout.

"What do you mean 'only'? Jin hyung is already coming with us so I didn't need to ask for him." Hoseok replied with a little confusion but Jimin only huffed more.

"Aren't you forgetting someone?" Jimin sounded annoyed but the others still seemed oblivious of what he was trying to say.

"I.. don't think so." Hoseok said slowly as he tried to think of anyone he might have forgotten but he was sure that there was no one else to ask. But Jimin's emphasis made him think again, nevertheless.

"Oohh!" Suddenly Jungkook perked up as he realized what Jimin was talking about and his exclamation made the others attentive of him.

"Yoongi hyung! Jimin's boyfriend! We never asked him." Jungkook revealed to the others who only 'oh-ed' in realization.

"HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND." Jimin flushed red as he screeched making the others look at him questioningly. After a moment of pause he added. "Yet."

"Wait, what?" Taehyung almost tripped on Hoseok's foot as he moved towards Jimin.

"You mean you guys aren't together? But why? And how? Didn't you go out with him the other day? You know, when we tricked Kookie, he was with us the whole time then too." Taehyung rambled on and on without letting the other say anything.

Jimin only looked down, his smile faltering a bit as he searched for words to answer Taehyung.

"Jimin?" Jungkook came by his side and nudged him a little.

"He hasn't really asked me officially, yet. We just went out that once." Jimin's voice was low and they all could tell that it wasn't out of shyness. Taehyung and Hoseok's eyes were wide open as they stared at Jimin and then looked at each other, unable to comprehend what they just found out.

Hoseok cleared his throat and spoke softly.
"Did you_um, fight?"

Jimin instantly felt like he was worsening the mood so he immediately shook his hand in dismissal and laughed to forcefully change the topic.

"No, no. It's nothing big. Forget about it. Oh, wait. Let's go ask them to give us a hint, at least. We can't pack anything if we have no idea of where we are going, right?"

Jimin rushed his words and left the room as soon as he finished leaving the three boys behind. When the door closed behind Jimin, Jungkook turned to the other two.

"What's going on?" Taehyung and Hoseok only shook their heads.

"I have no idea. Last time I remember, Yoongi hyung was head over heels for him. We even heard him mention it like a million times about Jimin before they actually went out. He wouldn't stop talking about him even after that. And suddenly it became quiet. He never talked and we never asked. We thought they were alright. I really don't know what happened." Hoseok said thinking deeply trying to find the missing pieces of the new puzzle they just received.

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