Chapter 28

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The house looked like a wrecker went through it I could hear yelling from the kitchen and plates being smashed. I seen Fae run into her room I hurry up the stairs trying not to be caught. Fae running thinking someones chasing her she tried to shut her door quick but I block it and force it open she runs to the corner into a ball crying. I shut the door, lock it and move her dresser to block the door.


Not responding I pick her up and hold her.

"Im so sorry I left."

Pounding "Fae open up sweetie hurry!" Frantic yelling on the other side.

I start to move the dresser when she screams. The loud shreek left me ears ringing, I threw the dresser swong upen the door to see a knife to Ashley.

"Put it down." I calmly say raising my hands. He just remains looking into her eyes with the knife to her chest.

"Haden..." Ashley points I glance my the front door. Blood, Haden had held his legs in pain crying with agony. He legs had been slashed repeatedly.

"HE CAN'T RUN NOW!" Shouted Justin the knife shaking.

I try to make a run for it. Then I stopped I felt the rush in my back, the screams of Ashley and Fae the two left unharmed. I droped to the ground vision blurring. Ill be with lydia now. The anger strikes, the knife pulled out my back. My body flipped over last thing I heard was, "You had it coming." The knife into my shoulder, being yanked out the blood splattering on Justin, Fae crying, as Ashley runs past us carrying fae trying to get to safety. The knife sharply entering my left shoulder this time, next my lower abdoman and chest. Repeatingly stabbing into my chest over and over again my blood spewing all over the floor. Last thing Fae and anyone in that house seen of me was my death. I am now at rest.

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