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"All right everyone lets start running let's go!" yelled my teacher, Ms. Jennis. the moment she blew her whistle, everyone took off, running around the field, racing each other, seeing who would end up first. "watch out for the mud!" bellowed Ms. Jennis, it had rained so much, that it flooded at least three inches of water, a few days earlier so it completely dried. I wasn't paying attention because I was still sorta mad about what had happened earlier this morning that I didn't notice two girls push passed me so hard that I fell to the floor. covered in mud, I stood up to see if I knew the girl. unfortunately, I did, their names are Mara and Haidy. " Fucken shit." I worded to myself. I have had a history with those two. all through out elementary and middle school they torched me. they have humiliated me in almost every way possible. I ran towards the class no doubt I was on of the last ones to get there. I never told Dean or Sam about them because they were always busy and I didn't want to bother them while they are working with their FBI stuff. "Winchester, up here now!" she demanded. I walked over to her as everyone stared. "who did this to you? I saw two girls and I need names." she told me " I don't know." I looked at her and lied straight to her face.i had learned that "snitches get stitches" the hard way. "okay. who saw? come on tell me or else you guys are all running extra laps." she said as she looked around and looked each and everyone in the eye. there was silence for a while then one of the guys raised his hand and said: "it was Mara and Haidy." "all right thank you... Hernandez..-" "Rueben" the guy responded. "Mara, Haidy. Start running. the rest of you sit and watch.

Ms. Jennis pulled me aside and said "Winchester? Amelia or Melody?" she asked. "my first name is Amelia and my middle name is Melody, but I'm fine either way." I told her, still a little shaken up. "Okay then ill call you Amy," she said in a friendly voice I didn't expect.after that, we just kept on talking until we were interrupted by Mara and Haidy who had just finished their laps. "We're done," said Mara out of breath, "okay now I need you to apologize to Amy for what you did." "What why?" asked Haidy in astonishment. "because I said so!" yelled Ms. Jennis. they gave me a half assed apology, but honestly I didn't mind I just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. "alright hit the showers !" she yelled and I ran as fast as I could, to get all this mud off before it started to harden. I ran in the showers and took a while because scrubbing off dried mud isn't the easiest thing to. when I finished I went into the actual locker room to change into my clothes I noticed something strange. my locker door was slightly opened. I went to investigate what was going on and to my pleasure, my clothes were stolen and replaced by something that looks like a hooker's dress. "Fuck I knew I should have locked my locker." I looked for my phone and as soon as I found it I dialed Jason's number. "Hello?" he answered, sounding a bit confused "Hey Jason," I said, so glad that he picked up. "I need your help please come quick, right after your class," I told him. "Uhhh...Okay. Are you okay?" he said over the phone. "NO, I'm not! Please bring me a sweater and some pants please, just hurry!" I told him, my voice cracking." Okay, Okay don't worry." he said and hung up. I put on the dress and you could see everything, my ass, my boobs, but the worst of all...my scars. I walk out side and as soon as i do i could feel the eyes on me. I could hear the whispers and I could feel all the judgment. "Amelia, what's wrong? are you okay? Why are you wearing that?" asked Jason as he ran to me with Luna not far behind him. "Oh, honey are you okay?" Luna asked with a worried face. "No I'm not okay I said I ran to the closest restroom and locked myself in the huge handicap stalls. "luna can you please ask Jason for the clothes," I told her from inside the stall. she left outside for a quick moment and came back inside with a bag of clothes. I changed out of that horrible dress and into some sweats and an Old AC/DC sweater. I came out and immediately was hugged by Luna. We smiled at each other to be with Jason who was patiently waiting outside. "Amy? What happened back there?" asked Luna in a gentle voice. "Those bitches are what happened, they pushed me into the mud and some kid named Rueben...Rueben something ratted them out and once I got into the shower they stole my clothes for this shit!" I said gazing over at the dress, wiping tears from my face. "Amy...what were those scars and bruises? Do...Do Sam and Dean hit you?" Jason asked as he grabbed my hand. my eyes widened as I pulled away and hugged myself. "What? No!" "Amy?" Luna asked as she stared at me, "NO! They would never do anything to hurt me, you guys know that!" I said raising my voice a little. "Most of these were made by Mara and Haidy over the years...the rest...the rest, I made myself," I said looking down, ashamed of myself. The bell rang meaning half of the kids would have a break and the other half would go to another class. Jason and I both had a break right now but Luna had to go. " keep an eye on her please?" she told Jason as she left with the same worried face that she arrived in."Always." said Jason. we walked to some benches and sat down to talk about what had happened. "Are you sure you're okay?" asked Jason. "I guess so," I said. Hey, this might not be the best time but to get your mind off things, let's talk about Wednesday. If that's fine with you." Yeah, let's talk about anything but that, actually let me call Sam and Dean right now." I pulled out my phone and called Sam.

(Meanwhile, Sam and Dean were at a hotel cleaning out that guns and sharpening their knives. Sams' phone starts to ring, he reaches over and notices that it's Amy calling he picks up that phone and answers) "Hello?" Sam answers. "Hey, Sam." I tried my best to not sound as if i just cried a river. "What's wrong are you okay? Are you hurt?" Sam rambled on. "What? No im fine i just have a question for you and Dean so could you put me on speaker please?" (Sam walks over to Dean and signals him to be quiet with the guns.) "All right you're on speaker." "Hey, Dean! catch the bad guy yet?" 'Nah, not yet sweetheart he's like a ghost." "All right well I believe in you guys," I said. "Well, what's up, because I have a feeling you didn't call to just check up," he said. "Well, I was wondering if you guys would let me go out with my friends on Wednesday? Can I ?" I asked, "Who are these friends?" "Luna, Jason, and Rueben" Who's Rueben?" asks Sam. " A new friend I made."Hey is that Jock with you now?" asks Dean "his name Jason and yes he's here why?" " i just want to talk to him about something can you pass him, over?" "sure" i pass the phone over to Jason signaling that they wanted to talk to him. "Hello, this is Jason Amelia's you wanted to speak with me?" said Jason trying not to show fear."Yes, I'm Dean, this is my brother Sam" "Hey" said Sam to show Jason that they were both there. " I don't know this Rueben kid so i need to keep an eye on Amy for me please...or else *Dean cocks his gun over the speaker* your leg will have a hole in it. Thank you for your cooperation." said Dean passing the phone back to Sam. "okay said Jason with terror in his voice. He gave the phone back to me and said, "You Winchesters can be scary." "what did you tell him," i asked them through the phone. "Nothing and you can go by the way." Really?! Thanks! Love you, tell Dean I love him too." "Okay love you too bye." said Sam and there was a faint "Bye" from Dean. Jason could tell by the excitement on my face that they had let me go. "They said yes, Right?" Jason asked. "Yes! i can go!" i yelled to my self and him. Things were finally going my way. Just a few more hours and i would leave this nightmare. Everything was perfect. Until...

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