We love you

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I walk over to my room and on the way overall I could think about is what an embarrassment I was. Goddammit, Amy, you couldn't even hide your one secret. Now they are going to worry and they won't be able to focus on anything... I kept thinking to myself. I got to my room and just threw my self on my bed and started bawling. I soon cried my self to sleep and woke up the next morning ready to go to school like any other day. I got and left my room heading to the where Sam and Dean were sitting down looking at some files. "Hey guys," I said walking up to them. "Hey kiddo," said Dean looking up from a file he had his nose in. "Hey, how you feeling?" said Sam looking away from a folder. "Fine," I said not being able to look at him for very long. "Well if you want to grab breakfast before you leave Charlie's in the kitchen reheating some leftover pizza," said Dean getting up from his chair to grab another folder. "Actually can you take me to school already. I want to see the principal before school starts," I said looking at Dean. "Yeah sure," said Dean. "Okay thanks, I'm gonna go say bye to Aunt Charlie," I said walking toward the kitchen.

Dean's P.O.V:

"You got anything, Sammy?" I ask him, shuffling papers around. "No nothing yet," he said looking back at me. "I cant find anything to do with the writing," I said standing up. Me, Sam and Charlie have been up all night trying to find out what the hell was engraved into Amelia's skin. "Maybe you should call Cass?" said Sam."Yeah maybe. I'm not sure, keep looking I'll be back." I said walking over to the kitchen to grab Amy. Sam and I were not gonna let her go to school but Charlie insisted on letting her go saying that we have to act normal and what not and also that she has detention hours to make up. "You ready to go?" I ask her, stepping into the kitchen. "Yeah let go," she said looking back at me with her big green eyes. She had her moms' wavy scarlet hair and millions of freckles but she had dads emerald eyes.

Amelia's P.O.V:

We got into the car and drove to school but on the way, there was a tension in the car. I know Dean is still mad at me for not telling him everything but how do you just drop something like this on someone and just expect it to be okay? I don't know maybe I'm making a big deal out of this and maybe I should just be upfront with him or ma- "Amy? Are you okay? " said Dean looking over with a worried face. "huh? Oh, no yeah I'm fine. Just...thinking" I say looking back him. "Amy do you not trust us?" he asks after a while of silence "What? Of course, i do what do you mean?" I said looking back at him. "Well, you obliviously did not trust us enough to tell us what was going on. I mean Amy, me and Sammy, we love you and we just want whats best for you. We're your older brothers and we don't like seeing you get hurt because you don't deserve it." he said to glance back and forth from me to the road. "It's not that I didn't or don't trust you." I say "it's just that...It's hard to tell someone that you look up to or love that you are weak and cant take care of yourself, that you feel worthless and can't do anything right." I tell him afraid of what he was gonna say. "Amy I love you and think that you are a smart girl," he paused "but that might be the stupidest thing that has ever come out of your mouth," he said with a smirk on his face. "Amy there is no way that you can ever be useless, worthless, or insignificant to me and Sam. We love you no matter what you do or what happens. Will always and forever be our baby sister" hearing him say that I begin to tear up. I try to hide but he notices me and just smiles. This is exactly what I needed to hear. I see the school from afar grow closer and closer and I begin to regret waking up in the morning. "Look whatever happens in there just remember, you're a Winchester and Winchesters kick ass, just maybe try not to kick ass physically, Okay?" he said while he pulls up to the drop off zone. "Yeah," I say with a small smirk "Okay, love you kiddo, call me, Sam Or Charlie when you're done with detention, Okay?" He says looking out the window. "Yeah okay," I say getting off the car. "Hey Amy!" he screams after me as I walk away "yeah Dean?" I say looking back "I love you." he says with a warm smile that seems to heal any wound. "Love you too," I smile back, and with that, I start another day.

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