T W E N T Y - F I V E

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"What the Hell is a Wolf Moon?" I asked the couple

"I don't know" Everly sniffled "But just as I was waking up, a voice kept whispering that over and over to me"

"Me too" Shawn nodded at me "I was thinking, maybe you knew what this Wolf Moon was"

I heard the door open behind me and turned to see Alpha Matthews on the phone.

"Yes Mom" He said "No, I don't know"

"He's talking to his mother" Luna Sky caught my eye "Actually, he's trying to convince her to fly the twins out here. She's freaking out that he would suggest such a thing after what they've been through"

"Mom," Alpha Kaden said in frustration "I need the twins to fly out here the moment they feel better. I'll explain later, please just trust me"

He paused

"Taylor? Yeah, Like I was telling Mom, I need you two here as soon as possible. I'll explain everything when you get here" He shook his head "Wolf Moon? What's that?"

I tensed

"She said something about a Wolf Moon" he looked at me "Do you know what that is?"

"No" I replied "But Everly and Shawn just informed me about what's going to happen during the Wolf Moon"

"Well? What is it? What's going to happen?"

I gritted my teeth

"I don't know what it is specifically but from what Shawn and Everly just told me, My mate is going to... going to..."

Luna Matthews gasped before tears started filling her eyes

"Going to what?" Kaden asked in confusion, looking back and forth between me and his wife "What is going to happen?"

"Leave it alone Kaden" she said with tears in her eyes "Just leave it alone"

"But..." he said more, but I stalked out of the room, too upset to talk about the subject


"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Everly asked as she tied my tie

"Yes" I looked at her "I haven't been to school in 3 days and since you guys are still recovering, I figured I might as well explain our precarious situation to Principal Roberts"

"You could call him and explain what happened over the phone" she suggested "He is, after all, in your Pack"

"I don't think this conversation should be held over the phone"

"But..." she searched for words

"Ever," I gave her a soft smile "What's wrong? You're not normally this worrisome over me"

She looked away

"Ever" I prompted "We've been friends since we were in diapers. I know when something's bothering you"

"I just don't want you to go to school today" her eyes teared up as she looked at me "After what you heard yesterday, I'm afraid your Wolf won't be able to handle it and you'll snap"

"Ever..." I started to say something but she cut me off

"It took you so long to find her and when you finally do this happens! How freaking cruel is that! And on top of that, that girl is really sweet and funny, and just the right girl for you. She doesn't deserve this and you definitely don't deserve this!"

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