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Previously on: Wolf Moon

This particular chapter takes place at the end of Chapter 54 and the beginning of Chapter 55, right where Ethan dies from a fatal gunshot wound to the head. Think of this as an ALTERNATE CHAPTER to those who just aren't ready to let go of my sassy Ethan Matthews. I am picking up right at the point in which Ethan is supposed to die, therefore, events in the Wolf Moon story will definitely change. This does not mean that the story will change. Ethan's death was (horrible to our emotions, yes) but essential to future books I have already mapped out. This is just a fun little chapter that I decided to write because I was missing one of my favorite characters. Let me know what you guys think and please enjoy!

With Love,




"We're all here because we care about you" I said, making sure that understood my words "We knew what we were risking when we came here"

"Watch out!" Someone yelled from beside of us before pushing me to the ground, and covering Kassi with their body.

2 Shots fired.

A second later a blood curdling and heart-wrenching scream rang out.

Taylor's scream

I watched in horror as both Ethan and Kassi slumped together, crumpling to the floor like rag dolls.



I was dreaming.

I must have been dreaming.

Why you ask?

Because there was no way in hell my mate, my dead mate, was standing in front of me with one of the most beautiful smiles on her face holding a child that was definitely my mini me.

"Babe, we have to get going" she said, holding out the little girl to me "Or else we'll be late."

"This is impossible" I muttered, pinching my arm to wake myself up "You're dead."

"What?" she gave me a quizzical look "What are you talking about Sweetie?"

"You died" I said, my heart squeezing at the memory of watching the news report broadcasting the casualties of the small town shooting.

"Oh sweetheart," she cupped my face "Did you have another nightmare again?" 

I gazed down into her pretty eyes, my pulse pounding loudly in my ears.

"Another nightmare?" I asked "I had one like this before?"

She nodded "You've been having them more frequently ever since Waverly started kindergarten."

Kiera kissed my cheek and backed away, absently rubbing her tummy.

A very noticeable pregnant tummy.

"I knew I should have never told you my story" she bit her lip, tears springing to her eyes "I've scarred you for life."

My eyes widened and I pulled her closer, comforting her "Shh... Don't cry baby."

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