T H I R T Y - F I V E

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I punched the punching bag with all my might, hoping that somehow my frustration and angry could be transferred into the punching bag.

After Ares disappeared into the night, I called my Mom for the millionth time.

When she didn't answer, I decided to do something productive to take my mind off the fact that my brother is out in the wilderness


"If you keep punching like that, you'll make your knuckles raw"

"I don't care" I punched harder

"You might not care but Rhys will freak if you walk in the house with bloody knuckles" Everly said.

"What do you want me to do?" I sighed "It's either this or I pace a hole into Rhys floor"

"I really don't think he would mind a hole in his floor as long as it came from you" she smirked

"Everly," I rolled my eyes "I'm not in the mood for jokes"

"He'll be fine Kassi" Her smirk disappeared "His Wolf won't fail him"

"I just..." I sighed "Everything's just a lot to process"

She sat, criss-crossed, on the floor before patting the mat

I reluctantly followed her lead

"What's bothering you the most? The fact that you're a Wolf, have a Soulmate, or the fact that everyone you've ever known lied to you face for your entire life?"

I picked at the extra skin on my nails "Surprisingly, finding out that I'm a Wolf doesn't bother me as much as I thought"

She cocked her head to the side in confusion "You know, most people would be beyond freaked if they found out they could shift into a animal"

I laughed "We'll I'm not most people. I'm weird"

She studied me for a second "And the Mate part doesn't bother you?"

I blushed "Not as much as as the lying part bothers me"

Her eyes lit up "Ooh...Do tell"

"No" I shook my head "It's weird"

"Why is it weird?" she sounded defensive "I'm a girl and I have a Mate. I know what you're going through"

"It's weird because you're one of Rhys friends"

"So?" she rolled her eyes "Haven't you heard of the girl code?"

"It's still weird through"

"What's weird?" Mia and Taylor asked, coming into the gym with plates of fruit in their hands.

I groaned

Great, more people.

"Hey" Taylor said in awe "This is a nice gym"

"Thanks" Mia said "Luna Emmie decided to turn the Greenhouse into a Gym so we could workout in a serene environment"

"Cool" Taylor replied "Back home, my brother has our gym in the basement. I refuse to use it because I swear it's haunted. Plus, you have to go down like 100 flights of stairs just to get to entrance of the stupid gym. By the time I make it there, I'm already exhausted"

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