T W E N T Y - S I X

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I hate hospitals

I really do

Not only are they depressing and a little scary, but it takes FOREVER to discharge a patient.

I should know.

We've been her for an hour after the Doctor cleared Ares.

"Excuse me" I asked a Nurse "Can you tell me what is taking so long to discharge my brother? The Doctor cleared us about an hour ago and when our Nurse went to get the discharge papers, she suddenly vanished"

The Nurse looked at me before glancing at my brother and walking to the computer.

She typed a few things before looking at me again.

"I'm sorry Miss but the Doctor just ordered another blood test"

"What!" I exclaimed "But he said we could go home!"

"Then something must have just came up regarding his levels" she glanced at my brother "The Doctor wouldn't have ordered this test if he didn't see something unusual"

"Fine" I grumbled "But can you please find both my Doctor and Nurse. I would really like to know why he ordered this test"

She nodded before leaving the room

"Sissy" Ares grumbled before crossing his arms and wincing at the IV "I want to go home"

"You and me both" I muttered under my breath before pulling my chair closer to his bed

"I'll make you a promise buddy" I whispered 

"What?"  he leaned in with a conspiratorial grin

"If they don't finish the test in an hour, I'm busting you out of this place like I did with Taylor and Ethan's Nanny"

Ares giggled and I smiled at the memory

When I was fifteen, my Mom surprised me with a round trip ticket to California to see my two best friends. It was the best weekend of my life because not only did I get to hang out with my friends, but we also broke their grandmother out of her retirement home.

Nanny Matthews was a wild woman with a sailor's mouth and on more than one occasion, we almost got arrested because of her mouth.

A knock sounded on the door, bringing me out of my memories.

When I turned, I was surprised to see who was standing at the door.


He smiled at me "May I come in?"

"Sure" I nodded "Ares, this is Rhys. He goes to my school. Rhys, this is my baby brother Ares"

Ares raised an eyebrow "I'm not a baby Sissy"

I rolled my eyes "Okay, buddy. I'm sorry"

Ares looked satisfied with my answer before he turned to Rhys with raised eyebrows "You like my sister" he stated nonchalantly.

I choked on air "ARES!!!"

"What?" Ares pouted "He looks at you like I look at Chocolate Cake. I love Chocolate Cake and he Loves you" he said simply.

I cleared my throat and ignored my baby brother

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