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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Rhys asked, leaning opposite of me with a worried look on his handsome face "Because if not, I can cancel this meeting and we can go on our date early"

I laughed

"You're really excited about this date" I raised an eyebrow at his eagerness

He blushed

"Aren't you? We really haven't had a chance to fully enjoy each other's company since this whole Wolf Moon fiasco" he blushed harder and mumbled "Plus, I really miss my beautiful Mate"

"AWE!" I cooed, walking forward and wrapping my arms around his waist "I missed my big macho Alpha too!"

He sighed and gripped my hips before leaning forward and kissing the tip of my nose

"I'm never going to live this down, am I?"

"Nope" I snickered before stepping away from him and putting on my game face "Okay, I'm ready"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure" I said before opening the huge wooden doors and walking into the board room full of Alphas and Betas from across the world.

I felt their eyes appraising me and while some Alphas smiled at me, others gave me disgusted looks.

I climbed the small platform to the stage and addressed the room.

From the corner of my eye, I watched as my dad slipped in quietly and take his place next to Rhys.

Both of them gave me confident smiles but their eyes held worry.

Worry for both me and the reactions of all these Wolves.

"As some of you already know" I began "I have called this meeting to discuss some very important matters with you all"

The Alphas and Betas didn't object right away so I took that as a good sign to continue

"About one month ago, many of you were forced to participate in the Genocide of our fellow brethren" Someone snorted at my use of 'Our' and Rhys growled "Because of that, I have called this meeting not only to hear your side of the story but to also announce that from this moment on, the Dimitrious will no longer be making the sole decisions in regards to the well-being of the Wolf community"

Everyone was shocked into silence but as always, there was always that one person who had something to say.

"You said 'sole decision' so I'm assuming the Dimitrious are still in charge?" A female Alpha asked from the middle row "Am I correct to assume that?"

"Yes" I said, matching her gaze "Your assumption is correct"

"So nothing has really change then?" Another voice called out from the back row

"That's incorrect" I said "Things will be run like a Democracy now. You'll get a say in any decision made"

"But do we really have a voice?" Someone else chimed in

"And what gives you the right to be our Queen" Two other voices asked from the far left

More and more voices began talking at once and to say I was being overwhelmed was an understatement.

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