CHAPTER 1 * Introduction *

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".......Natasha Zulu of South Africa was abducted last night along with......" the radio announcer spoke. " .... the count of abducted teenage girls has now risen to 16 087 854 in the last five months with over 6 000 000 having been abducted in the last two weeks alone. The chief of the Joint Worldwide Task Force, Patrick Olson, announced the new curfew to be put in place effective immediately from 5pm to 8 am...........advised to stay indoors and move in groups......" the announcer continued to speak.

Lately, the only thing reported on the news was about the abductions.

"Another girl has been abducted. Why aren't the JWTF any closer to finding the girls or their abductors?" dad asked no one in particular.

"This is ridiculous!" he shouted as he banged his closed fist against the steering wheel of his silver Range Rover.

"Over 16 000 000 girls have gone missing around the world and no one has an explanation for it?" dad asked as he looked at mom who quickly glanced over her shoulder to my sister Vanessa, and then barely at me, in the backseat.

He continued to speak, "How is it that the world's joint intelligence units are unable to solve this case? They have the best of the best. They have the FBI, the CSI......and.....and the.... whatever other intelligence units are out there."

At this I rolled my eyes and turned to look out the window as we drove home from church. Of course, he would only know about American intelligence units, the rest of the world didn't matter to him.

Finally, mom responded which caused me to look at the back of her seat, "we just have to make sure to keep our girls safe and in our sights at all times, they are all that matter. I won't let anyone take them from me," she said with a determined look.
They continued talking about the abductions and precautions to put in place to make sure we were safer. I looked at Nessa and noticed that she had her ear phones plugged in and was gently bobbing her head to whatever song was currently playing.

I looked back out the window and wondered as well what was happening out there. Who would do such a thing? Who would decide to abduct so many teenage girls....and why? Where were they taking them? The only thing we knew so far was that the abductors were taking girls who were between the ages of eighteen and twenty. It was random as well, because the abductees were girls of different nationalities and races from all over the world. There wasn't even a specific time that the girls were taken. There was nothing linking the girls to each other; nothing other than their ages. No one saw the abductors, the girls just seemed to vanish into thin air...poof.... gone...disappeared....never to be seen again....

You get the point.

One thing we did know for sure was that no one was safe, especially if you happened to be a teenage girl in that age range. This means that I am not safe, because I am nineteen. I just turned nineteen for that matter.

See, most people celebrate their birthdays and thank God for adding another year to their lives and get to have a party with lots of gifts.


Not so much.

I could be abducted at any second. In fact, I could be taken right now.

One hundred and thirty-two girls have already gone missing from our town. And to this town, that's a lot. Like a lot a lot. My town, Stockbridge, Massachusetts is one of the smallest towns in America. I doubt many people know about it.

How small? My entire high school only having about 800 students small.

Get it now?

I guess I have to introduce myself to you now.

ABDUCTED: HOW THEY MET (bwwm)(completed)(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now