CHAPTER 9 * Cold kindness *

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I opened my eyes. Then quickly closed them.

Too bright.

I opened them again, but still couldn't see clearly. Everything was moving and nothing was clear. I blinked a couple of times until my vision cleared. I was lying on my back. I was looking at a white ceiling.

Where am I? This isn't my room.

I tried to remember where I was and bits and pieces of my memory came to me.

Take out... car stopping... jogging home... frozen in place... stars... spaceship... aliens!

"It wasn't a dream?" I whispered.

But that's impossible. It can't be possible. It just can't. Maybe I've lost my mind. Maybe, at this very moment, I'm in an asylum.

Then I noticed the weird devices surrounding me.

A tiny laugh bubbled out of me. Then another, and another until I was full out laughing. I laughed so hard tears began to form and fall down the sides of my head. I couldn't stop laughing. I laughed so hard my sides began to hurt. I tried to grab them but my movements seemed sluggish and off.

Have they drugged me?

I noticed a movement in the room when my laughter finally died down. He was standing on my right. How did I not notice him?

Has he been standing there all along? Did he witness my mental breakdown?

He moved closer to me until he stood right next to me. I saw a hint of sympathy play on his features. But it was quickly removed and replaced with a blank stare. I turned away from him.

The one thing I couldn't stand was people pitying me.

"What did you do to me? Why do I feel so weird?"

"You fell and hit your head."

I remembered blacking out. I don't remember hitting my head.

"You lost a lot of blood. We had to sedate you so that your wound could heal. You have been given shots to keep the pain at bay and calm your nerves. This will have you disoriented for a couple of hours."

His accent sounded kind of English. How did i not notice before?

Calm my nerves!

"My nerves wouldn't need any calming if you hadn't kidnapped me."

I shot back at him as I looked at him. I was staring again. Why was I always staring at him? I mean, I knew he was gorgeous, but he hated my guts, for some unknown reason. And I hated him, for kidnapping me.

I wasn't one to look people in the eye, in fact, I avoided people all together, yet I found myself drawn to his emerald ones. I wasn't a people person. Me and people didn't go well together.

He completely ignored what I had just said.

"You need to eat."

I looked at him about to protest when my stomach rumbled in reaction to his mention of food.


I tried to sit up, but my elbows were too weak to bear my weight. I tried to sit up again, and I would have fallen back down if not for his arms holding me. He helped me sit up and I would have pushed him away, except the whole room felt like it was spinning out of control. My head was resting against his left shoulder while I clung to his right arm for dear life. His left arm was still holding me in an upright position. We stayed like this for a couple of minutes until I felt I could sit up on my own.

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