CHAPTER 3 * Food is my everything *

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You know that moment when you're not fully asleep but are on the brink of consciousness? When your body just feels like jelly and you want it to feel that way forever? When no dreams plague you and you are just blissfully peaceful?

I was having that moment right now.

I was in bed......alone.


Nessa had already left for school earlier in one of the heavily guarded school buses. Poor kid was still in her junior year. Mom and dad had also gone to work leaving me alone in the house with no pressing need for me to wake up and get out of bed.

However, as much as I was enjoying this moment, I really needed to use the bathroom or else I'd be sleeping in a gallon of my own pee. Kicking the beddings off me, I padded my way over to the bathroom. When I had done my business, I went to wash my hands and looked up in the mirror. I had braided my hair into two pigtails last night, a necessity if I wanted to be able to brush it with minimal pain today, not that I would be going anywhere that would require me to brush it anyway. I was on lockdown.

I might as well brush my teeth now or else I'll forget.

I not only brushed my teeth, I went the extra mile and washed my face too.

Amazing, right?

I looked at the bed after leaving the bathroom. It was a total mess, even if I just got out of it. The pillows lay all over the floor with the covers struggling to stay on the bed. I could barely find my phone in that chaos and once I did, I sat down for a minute to catch my breath.

"Phew, work out for the day.... done"

I gave myself a mental pat on the back.

Don't judge.

Moving around in this body isn't as easy as you think.

I stood up and made my way down to the kitchen, abandoning the mess in my room.

No point in making a bed I'm going to lie in all day.

I looked out the kitchen window and realised that the sun was too bright and too hot for it to be morning. I checked my phone and realised that I had slept well past noon. I moved on to the fridge while planning what I was going to have for lunch. Make that breakfast and lunch.

I can't just skip breakfast because I woke up too late, it's the most important meal of the day, right?

I opened the fridge and gasped, my eyes growing a little wide at what I saw.

It was empty.

The fridge was empty.

There was no food. Lettuce and carrots don't count as food, unless you're a rabbit, and I am no rabbit!

I closed the fridge and took a deep breath trying to calm down. Food to most people was just an enjoyable means to keep living. It kept me alive too, but in a different way. Food wasn't just something I shoved into my mouth so that I didn't have to die of starvation. Food was my friend, my only comfort. The only thing that never let me down. The only thing that I could turn to without fear of judgement.

Now I bet you're wondering why I would need food to be my buddy when I have a seemingly perfect life, right?


I may have been adopted into one of the wealthiest families in this town, (you'd think that that would guarantee food in the fridge at all times) but growing up wasn't so easy for me. I know I didn't lack for anything. I had everything I needed to live a more than comfortable and happy life, and I tried......till I started analysing everything mom and dad said or did. After finding out that I was adopted, everything felt different for me......forced.... superficial. I didn't do it intentionally, but I couldn't help noticing things.

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