CHAPTER 15 * Hidden talent *

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Not again.

It's official. I'm blacking out.

I took my time opening my eyes this time. I was in a weird position. Where the heck was i?

My eyes widened.

I must still be dreaming.

How could I possibly be in his arms? I figured he must have carried me to a bed or something, but why was I still in his arms?

Oh no!

Is he dead? Did I kill him with my weight? Carrying me once was a miracle. Carrying me twice was pushing it. More than that was just testing God.

Did this make me a murderer? I didn't do it on purpose. In fact, I could plead it was suicide. I did warn him that I was too heavy.

Wait a minute, his chest was rising and falling evenly.

Phew. I'm not going to prison.

Now that I knew that he was alive and breathing, I took note of my surroundings. We were in the bathroom, in the swimming pool (I could not bring myself to say tub). Then it clicked. He said something about this being filled with cleansing water that adjusted to the body's needs, whatever that meant.

Now that I thought about it, I didn't feel sore at all. Which was odd, because I had been running for centuries. I actually felt good as new, no, better.


My head lay on his shoulder. His head was leaning back against the edge of the pool. I didn't want to move too much so as not to wake him. His hands still held me close to him. It was quite comfortable.

I hadn't been held like this since I was seven. It felt weird.

I moved my head a little so I could examine him. He had a light stubble spread across the lower half of his face. I was truly mesmerised by his beauty. It was surreal.

Get a grip Vickie. You're not supposed to fall for your captor, too cliché. Not that that would ever happen anyway.

I had to get out of here. I needed to clear my thoughts. I didn't care whether I woke him up.

"Tired of staring at me?"

I gasped and almost tumbled out of his arms. My eyes were wide staring at the water.

Was he awake this entire time? Why didn't he say anything?

"I wasn't staring."

"Oh? Then what would you call looking at me for longer than necessary?"

Dang it!

"I'd call that my 'why the heck did you leave me on that torture machine?' look."

This time I shook out of his hold and stood in the pool. It was much deeper than I thought. The water came up to my shoulders. I glared at him while he still sat in the same position. Now that I recalled why I was in this situation, I got mad and started breathing heavily. He didn't make a move to speak. He just looked at me like he was observing an animal in the zoo, wondering what it would do next.

"Well? Aren't you going to say anything? Aren't you even going to apologise to me?"


"You know, that thing you do when you're wrong and try to express your regret for it." I crossed my arms as I said this.

He chuckled. I can't believe he did that.

Was he making fun of me?

ABDUCTED: HOW THEY MET (bwwm)(completed)(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now