CHAPTER 25 * Losing my way *

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I was in the training room with Xeris, but we were not alone. Standing next to him was an older man, almost as tall as Xeris and handsome as well. Was everyone from Thanzor so good looking?

I was conscious of myself as the older man just stood there observing me. Then he decided to walk towards me. he circled me inspecting every inch of me. My eyes followed his movements wondering what was going on. This scene reminded me of a designer looking at his next challenge.

He then walked backwards and stood next to Xeris again.

"This is Purit. He will serve as your personal trainer. I learnt everything from him. I thought it would be best he take over your self-defence and martial arts lessons while I focus on the less physical lessons."

"Hello, your..." he caught himself, "Miss Victoria. My name is Purit Joseph Shoman. I will be your trainer starting today." He said with a smile.

I saw us getting along. He seemed to have an easy disposition. Maybe he could tell me more about Xeris. I knew we talked more, but I always got the feeling that he was keeping something from me still.

"Just Victoria will do." I said back to him.

"Ok, now that we are done with the introductions, I shall leave you to it." And with that, Xeris walked out and left us there.

I turned back to look at Purit. They really did have strange names.

He was already walking to the mat, with his shoes in hand. I followed him and did the same. I put my shoes down and he started talking.

"I'm not sure how his hi...Xeris, has been teaching you," I furrowed my eyebrows, "but he is my best pupil, I'm sure there isn't much for me to do. He has briefed me on your skills and capabilities. I would like to see them for myself. Now, attack me."

That sounded familiar. With a little jump before running, I went at him.

After a few minutes, I could tell the differences between how he moved and how Xeris moved. Xeris was taller, but quicker. Purit was definitely the teacher, I could tell that much, but Xeris wasn't far behind. I may have been wrong, I only started doing this a few months ago. I was no expert.

Finally, he stopped. I was on the ground breathing heavily after landing painfully on my butt while he stood in front of me, not having broken a sweat. He looked so calm I hated him.

"Miss Victoria,"

"Please, just Victoria"

"Right, Victoria. How long have you been doing this?"

I thought while looking at my fingers, "Close to six months." I looked up at him.


I must have really sucked. "Why? Am I that bad?"

"No, quite the opposite. The level of skill you have obtained in such a short period of time is impressive. And you're quite flexible as well. Did you practice the art before coming here?"

"Uh, no. I was into gymnastics for a while when I was a kid, but, stopped. It was a long time ago though." I was still on my butt and didn't plan on moving unless necessary.

"I see. I'm planning of using that to develop your own technique. See how I teach the art is not as you Earthians say, by the book. I don't make my students master a specific form of the art. I teach the basics, and from there encourage each of my students to find their own rhythm. To find what works best for their bodies and I think your flexibility is the key to your technique."

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