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"Marco what the hell is wrong with you, let go of my arm!!"

Marcos face remained blank as has stared ahead, his face was completely devoid of emotion. I feel Marco's arm tense as the house comes into view.

Gasping, I struggle to free my arm from Marco. I follow his line of sight, and the scene causes a shiver of fear to run through my body. Matt and Brian are both face down on the ground, they are surrounded by a group of large men. They are all armed, and currently have their guns trained on the only two people I care about.

Fear courses through me, and I struggle to grasp what is going on.

I skid to a stop and, forcefully try to pry my arm away from Marco, realizing this is an ambush. Marco has my arm clutched so tight my efforts are fruitless, causing my anger to soar.

"Marco, what are you doing!! How could you do this, we trusted you! Matt trusted you!" I shriek, while clawing at his arm, trying in vain to pry him off of me.

Marco stops and grabs my arm; A cold look crosses his face as he struggles with himself. His thick eyebrows pinch together in frustration as leans down to my face.

"This is bigger than Matt, Lexi. You don't realize how important you are. You have no fucking clue on the power you hold over this war." His voice is deathly calm as he starts to drag me to the group up ahead

I groan in frustration at his words,

"I'm not fucking important Marco! You keep saying this shit to try to justify your betrayal. That's on you, asshole; not me" I spit out, disgusted with the notion that all this is my fault.

Marco flinched at the word betrayal, but ignored me as we approached the house.

The house was a gray run down two-story house. The windows were all boarded up, and covered with dingy white shutters; which looked to be falling off. The dark green door was covered in graffiti with intricate symbols painted within. The house as whole gave off a vibe that screamed keep out.

In front of the house stood a man, I recognized. I had seen him once before with the Chancellor. It was a few years ago when I was looking for an herb to help Matts food poisoning. I was at the edge of the forest, when I saw them in a heated conversation. I had left quickly that day, not wanting to get in trouble for the herbs. At the time I didn't think anything of their argument, but now I wish I would have listened and found out more. I remember even then, then well-dressed man gave me the creeps, something seemed off about him.

His tall frame stood at over 6 foot and his thick black hair was slicked back. He stood out in a grey dress shirt rolled up to his elbows and black slacks. Wearing this in the middle of the forest, everyone could see he didn't belong. He was a Man, of importance, or power. Which made me even more skeptical of this man. Why would he come all the way here for us?

He looked me up and down with a quirked eyebrow, he turned to Marco, who was deathly still beside me. I could feel the fear radiating off of Marco. It hit me hard, Marco was afraid of this man. He didn't respect him like he did the chancellor, but feared him instead.

"Marco, I always knew you were valuable; good work son, Isaac would be proud"

Marco stiffened at the word son

"Thank you, Joshua, the guardsman confirmed she is the kings Mate, I radioed you as soon as I knew, sir, " Marcos voice was cold and detached.

At those words I rip my hand away and push Marco.

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