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He stalks forward with a predatory gleam in his eye.  My breath hitches and causes me to move back in fear.  He matches every step I take. His massive frame blocking my view of the cave. The room starts to feel tight as I'm engulfed with his raw masculinity.

My back collides with the wall and he's chest to chest with me. His breath caressing my neck as he leans in close, taking a deep breath.

Holy shit

Warmth instantly spreads throughout my body, I have never felt anything like this before, this heat is building and my core aches. His breath feels like feathers running gently over my neck. I feel is lips makes contact with my skin, and its electrifying.  His plump moist lips run up my neck and along my jaw. Licking and nipping as they move towards my mouth.

My body has a mind of its own, and ignores the alarms going off in my head. I lean back into the wall, and a throaty moan escapes my lips.  His grip on me tightens and his loud rumble ripples through his hard chest. That and the low growl from him lips snap me out of the trance and my brain takes over.

He will hurt you, he will take you away.

Pushing on his chest I try to get some distance from him, but his grip just tightens.

"I don't want to go back, please just let us go to Mexico." I try to sound strong but my voice sounds weak even to my own ears.  His eyes flash before he tosses his head back in laughter.

His laughter singes away any strings of desire I had still lingering.

I don't know what he finds so fucking funny, but I'm dead serious. Anger starts a slow burn with in me. My teeth grate against each other in frustration.

"I'm serious wolf, I won't reject you, but you have to let me go.  You can keep your power or whatever you get from having a mate and I get my wish of freedom. Don't pretend like you actually want a human. It's an obvious win-win." 

His laugh abruptly stops and he's in my face faster than I can blink. His green eyes glowing with fury. His powerful thick tan fingers grip me tighter, and shakes me slightly.

"You think this is about power? Are you that naive female? Do you honestly think I will let you go after searching for you my whole life."  He sneers as his eyes turn to slits.

Feeling really brave and apparently really stupid I smirk at him. 

"Yes, I do wolf. That is all your kind cares about right. Power and Dominance? You think us humans are just pawns in your bigger game. Disposable." 

His forehead presses against mine as a growl releases from his chest. He is visibly taking breaths trying to calm himself.

My mind is running wild, screaming in my head.

Are you this stupid and reckless!Have you no sense of survival?

Maybe I don't, maybe for once I want to see what happens when we push back on these beasts.

My brain and my body began a battle as the feeling of him so close has my skin electrified. A hum of energy builds with in me drawing him closer.  An invisible string starts binding us tighter, almost suffocating. I feel euphoric from the contact and it starts to warm my entire body up. As quick as it comes its gone. he steps back looking into my eyes. Desire written all over his face. I don't know how to processes the look he's giving me, so I push the emotions away. Letting my anger come back.

" You feel that connection. You can try and deny it up here all you want, but your body knows it's there. In fact, it craves it." His hand strokes my face softly, almost tenderly, but I feel the roughness he's holding back. His face is a un-readable mask, his black hair falling in his eyes.  

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