Episode 36 - Unbrewed Storms👽

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"One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood."

-Lucius Annaeus Seneca


There were some dark days which brightened as she revealed her bunny teeth. On other days, even the sun outside could do nothing to remove the dread in her heart.

Today, all Elena wanted was a friend, a sister... to just listen to her.

Speaking of her sister, the pale Kate Russo was tucked between two sacks of soil.

With a sigh, Elena scooted closer to the younger twin and hit her palm.

Kate looked up with an innocent frown and before Elena could slap her hand again, she licked her smudgy fingers.

"Kate..." Elena sighed again. "Eating mud won't solve your problems."

Kate shrugged, her mouth chewing another pinch of soil like it was Skittles candy.

The younger twin smacked her lips. "At least it tastes good."

Elena glanced at Kate with a disapproving look and yanked her arm away from the sacks.

"What happened, Kate?" she whispered.

"A lot," Kate's eyes seemed to say, while her chapped lips let out a sigh.

"It's Max... he saw the tattoo, El."


"He wants to know why I hid it."

Elena placed a finger under her chin. "You didn't tell him and he's mad."

"Precisely." Kate nodded, her fingers reaching to pinch the soil from a potted plant.

Elena rose from her squatted position and held Kate's arm, pushing her out of her soily haven.

"Just tell him, okay? He... cares about you, Kate."

"I don't want to relive everything again."

"You're reliving it every day." Elena's gaze softened. "Whether it's a glance at your arm or..."

Kate's eyes lowered to the carpet beneath their feet and Elena shook her head.

She wished for a screen which could portray human emotions.

Why was it that the sound of the breaking of one's heart was limited only to one's ears?

Why couldn't others feel the pain one felt?

Why were they deceived by bunny-toothy grins and sparkling, dark eyes?

"You look like you're about to burst into tears, El."

Elena smiled softly.

The only exception were sisters--they could directly see within the soul, past fake laughs and forced grins.

Elena gulped, hoping it would be enough to stop the waterfall her eyes wanted to let out.

"Van... Co... Mrs. Moore... why does everything seem like a mess?"

She ran a hand through her knotted hair, which she hadn't bothered to straighten today.

"El." Kate wiped Elena's cheek and placed an arm around her shoulder.

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