Chapter 2

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A/N: Yes this book is no longer on hold yey!! Enjoy and I'm glad that some of you are still here to read this.

"What the shuck is going on!" I demanded. "Neverland and Peter Pan," I scoffed, "those are bloody fairy tales for shucking kids! They're not real!"

"Interesting choice of words," Peter voiced out.

He lunged towards me and trapped me on the bark of a tree. My back ached with the impact and perhaps there were splinters there, but this was nothing. I've suffered worse, far worse. Peter looked at me with those green eyes of his. I didn't stare away from his gaze and looked into his eyes until I saw my reflection in them.

I saw that my eyes were blazing with fury, while his were dancing with excitement. Peter smirked, confusing me. He leaned in closer to me and I turned my head to the side.

His lips reached my ear and his voice, the huskiness of his voice, sent chills up my spine. "You've got fire. I like fire."

Peter took a couple steps back away from me. I saw that he had this sadistic smile on his face. "You're going to get along here very well. Welcome, Lost Girl." In a flash, he disappeared from my sight. It shocked me and turned my head a couple of times to try to find him, but just like before, he was nowhere to be found.

It was then I remembered that now I'm left with only boys for company here in this shucking forsaken island. They were all staring at me, confusion laced on their eyes and some with respect and awe.

What the shuck did I do?

When they met my gaze, they all went back to what they were doing. Either playing with daggers, fighting, or dancing. It was like they forgot I'm there.

What am I supposed to do now?

I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw a tall boy holding a staff. He had dirty blonde hair and a scar on one side of his face. My mind drifted off to where he could've gotten that scar.

"Yeah?" I crossed my arms at him. "Who are you now?"

"Felix," the boy said. "I'm Peter's second-in-command here in Neverland."

I scoffed, but I hid the ache in my heart when I heard what his position in this place was. "Yeah great job you guys are doing here. Things are in wonderful order."

Felix didn't smile, his lips were a straight line. "Follow me." He briskly turned around and didn't wait for me to follow him.

"Where are we going?"

"To your tent. Peter made it far from the camp of the Lost Boys."

"If you slintheads think that I'm staying here, you've got another thing coming," I huffed.

"Telling me that you're planning to escape isn't really a smart move, is it then?" Felix sounded amused with the tone he used in his voice.

I didn't say anything else and just followed this boy named Felix. I trudged along the forest, this dark dark forest. It was quite weird and confusing. Earlier, it seemed like an inviting island of some sorts, but now it looked like a scary forest. That didn't scare me anyways, at least I didn't want it to scare me.

If you ain't scared, you ain't human.

One of the things that Alby used to say rang inside my head. It was just a few months since he's died, perhaps only two or three, but it felt like forever. I realized that we never even got to really set up a funeral for him, or for Newt. Not even for the other Gladers that have already died.

I shook away the thought of them. I can't have myself falling into grief and sorrow while I'm trapped on this island. I don't even have any idea how I got here. Maybe Felix could tell me.


"What?" His tone sounded annoyed. As if he doesn't want to be asked any questions. I'm quite tempted to pick a fight with him and annoy him just for the fun of it, but not now.

"How did I get here?"

Felix paused and looked at me with a half smile on his face. "You'll know soon when he comes to swing by later in the night."

"Very helpful," I muttered to myself.


It didn't take any longer but we reached my tent. The surroundings of my tent were quite clear. Trees and plants surrounded it. I was given a good space to perhaps run around or something. Felix let me go inside and see what it looked like. I didn't really expect anything fancy. It was just a regular sized tent that had a pillow and a blanket inside. There was even a chest inside that contained nothing whatsoever.

"Get some rest," Felix said from outside, "you're gonna need it."

I laid down my bag inside and was about to run towards him. I wanted answers and I wanted them now. So many questions were buzzing in my head. But when I was just five feet away from my tent and was headed into the forest, I felt something stop me. It was like I just hit a barrier or a wall and the impact sent me flying and landed on my back.

I groaned as I laid on the ground. My back ached once more. Then I shot up when I saw that same boy with the green eyes, standing right beside me with a smug grin on his face. I reached to my side, forgetting for a moment that I left my bag with my dagger in the tent.

"No need for that love," he placed his hands behind his back.

"I want answers and I want them now!"

"Go right ahead." He started to pace around. My gaze didn't leave his body, for fear that he might disappear in a second.

"How did I get here?"

"The Shadow brought you here," he answered.

"Shadow?" This was just like when I was in the Maze. Push that thought away (Y/N). Not now. "What Shadow?"

"You'll meet him one day. He brought Lost Boys from other realms and brought them here to be happy."

"Well I'm not a boy."

"I do know that." He disappeared from my sight and reappeared right in front of me. I jumped and was about to fall but then he held my wrist and pulled me up. "That's why you have a test later. Don't worry, you don't have to study anything for it. You just have to run and try to survive. I usually pick up Lost Boys when I want to and the Shadow would take Lost Boys when he feels as if they deserve to be here." He began to look at me curiously. "I don't usually doubt the Shadow's judgment, but I also want to see what you are made of." His eyes brimmed with excitement.

"Fine by me," I accepted the challenge but I didn't even think I had a choice. "What's the test?"

"I will come here later when it gets dark," we both looked around, "well darker. When I tell you to run and hide, you do as I tell you. Then my Lost Boys would run and try to find you. I will give you exactly an hour. If you survive, you stay here. If you don't, well," he trailed off with a smirk.

If I don't, I'll get to be with Newt.

He then let go of my wrist which I forgot that he was holding. "So once again, get some rest. You're gonna need it for later."







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

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