Chapter 8

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Before we went to the town, Peter suddenly made a cloak appear and he draped himself with it. I saw the children playing and having fun. Families were together and happy. It was a sight that I have never seen before, until now. It was so beautiful.

But suddenly, their happy and carefree faces were replaced with fear. They all suddenly went inside their houses and peeked outside their windows. I also noticed that their houses were made out of sticks and straw. Definitely different from everything I've seen in the Scorch.

Peter then stopped walking and so did I. We stopped right in front of a cottage. As far as I can see, whoever lives here is like the Med-Jack of the Glade. So, I guess that this is what Peter does.

"Give me the sack," he took out his hand and I did as he asked.

He knocked on the door and a middle-aged lady opened it. She beckoned the both of us to come in with a warm smile but I didn't miss the curious glance she gave me.

When we got inside the cottage, the first thing I saw was the waiting room. Which, I guess, is for the patients. But this waiting room only contained two wooden chairs, a small table, and a desk. There was another room which I guess is for the attending physician.

The lady then opened the door to that room and I saw a lot of vials filled with liquids of unique colors. Peter took off his cloak and laid it on top of a chair. Other than the vials, there was also a small bed and again, two chairs and a desk. Peter gestured for me to sit on one of the chairs while he sat on the other.

"Nice to see you again Mr. Piper," the lady said to Peter in a nervous position.

I looked at Peter with a confused look with what the lady had just called him. But his gaze was fixed on her and pretended as if he didn't notice me.

Peter didn't reply to her and just nodded. "Here are the ingredients that you've ordered."

He handed her the sack and she took a look at it. "Thank you."

"Now that that's settled. I believe that payment is in order," he leaned closer to the lady.

She seemed nervous and quite scared. She took out a piece of folded paper and handed it over to Peter. He briskly took it from her shaking hands and looked over it. I didn't bother to take a peek because I could clearly see that the lady was shaking.

"Are you alright?" I asked her, causing Peter to glare at me. I didn't care.

"I-I'm fine," she sent me a nervous smile.

"Doesn't look fine to me," Newt crossed his arms.

"Well, I'll be off then," Peter shot up from his seat. He seemed quite pleased and I saw the lady let out a sigh of relief. "Pleasure doing business with you." He took his cloak and covered himself with it again. I stood up from my seat and followed Peter as he walked outside the cottage.

His hand then went to my shoulder once again and we disappeared from the town and appeared in a forest, or more specifically, at the edge of a cliff. The shock has got me almost falling from the tip if Peter didn't hold my wrist and pull me back.

"A warning would've been nice!"

"Oh but where's the fun in that?" He laughed. "Anyway, I don't have time for useless bantering."

"Why?" I was still pretty annoyed with what he just did which is why I kept myself at a safe distance from him.

"It's because I've finally found a clue after years of hitting a dead end."

"Well," I looked around, "where are we now?"

"Oh, near an ogre's lair."

My eyes widened. "A what?"

"The beast has something I need. So, I need you to be my diversion so that I could sneak in and take it."

"Can't you just use your magic to obtain it?"

I was panicking a little. No, I was panicking a lot. I've never faced an ogre in my life. I don't even know what to do! I'm scared for myself and also for the ogre because I know what I would have to do when it's needed.

"No," Peter looked at me as if I was stupid. I really had this strong urge to punch his face right now.

"Oh well, I'm sorry for not knowing anything about magic," I said sarcastically.

"Listen, you signed up for this. You accepted this job and this is what I want you to do." Peter's eyes were beginning to darken.

Still, I was stubborn and didn't shy away from his gaze. But I gave in to his command since he's right and I hate that.

"Fine," I said grudgingly. "What do you want me to do?"

The darkness in his eyes disappeared as fast as they appeared. This shank is really unpredictable.

"Take this," he handed me a crossbow which appeared out of nowhere, "I've noticed that you're pretty good with that. Now listen, ogres are pretty stupid and can mostly detect on sound, but you can kill them by hitting a perfect arrow at their eye. But if I quickly find what I'm looking for, I'll come back and take us away."

"Okay," I nodded.

"Good," he smirked. "Now," he took the crossbow and shot it into the forest without breaking eye contact with me. "Let's play."

We both heard a loud roar and Peter's eyes shone like when I was almost going to kill him. He handed me the crossbow and disappeared right in front of me.

"It's going to be fine." I said to myself a couple of times as I went to a tree to climb it with the crossbow at my back. I had no visual of the ogre from down here and had to get some higher ground. "It's just like fighting a griever." A loud roar echoed through the forest. "I hope." 







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

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