Chapter 14

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Ever since that incident with Peter, he's been a little nicer to me. Of course our usual banter and teasing won't really be gone, but I'm glad that he won't look at me like I'm stupid. He would take some time to explain things to me and has gotten some more patience with me. Just like how I've gotten more patience with him.

Even if I've gotten quite used to his cold and mean demeanor, I've liked this new side of Peter that I'm getting to know.

But as my friendship with Peter grew, I kept seeing less of Newt. He used to be with me everywhere I went. Always making some comments that will make me smile. But now, he's being a little scarce. That would mean that I'm moving on.

That's good right?

As of now, Peter and I were making a deal with a traveler. We were in a pub once again and it's near the docks, but it's morning. Still, Peter won't let his eyes off me. When we gave him what we had, he shared information that was really promising.

"The crystal that you're speaking of, I've read about it in the Royal Library in the Kingdom of Vale or the kingdom of Prince Thomas. The crystal that you're looking for is called a Rhite. That's all I know."

I could see Peter's eyes shine with the newfound information. "That's brilliant!" He smiled. "If that's all, you can go."

Seeing that he was no longer needed, the traveler left the pub. It was just Peter and I inside that booth.

"So, are we going to Vale now?" I asked him.

"Not now. It's pretty far."

That left me a little confused. Can't just Peter take us there? "How is Vale far? I mean, you can transport us there right now right?" I asked him.

"Not right now."

"So, are we going back to Neverland now?"

"No." He faced me. "There's a flower in a far off place that I need to have. It's in the kingdom of Agrabah. It's not for a customer, I need it for a potion."

"Do you want me to come with you?" I asked.

"You always do," he smirked. He's right about that. "Come on." The both of us left the pub and started to walk away so that we won't be seen when we disappear.

"So, compared to Vale, how far is Agrabah from here?" I asked him.

"Agrabah is farther than Vale. In fact, it's a desert."

"That's my kind of terrain then."

Peter glanced a curious look at me that I just shrugged off. I thought he'd want me to expand on the subject, but he didn't. Which is good for me. When we were out of sight, Peter held my shoulders and started to transport us to this place called Agrabah.

When we got there, I could feel the heat burning my skin. It's been quite a long time since I've been in the Scorch but my body was still used to the heat. The hot sand was running through my shoes, but it didn't bother me.

I opened my eyes since they were always closed whenever Peter and I would teleport. It was then I saw that we were in an empty alley. Peter didn't have his cloak on anymore and he seemed to be sweating.

"Are you alright?" He asked me.


"How about the heat, is it bothering you?"

"I told you that I'm used to this. Are you?"

"Not really. I can't get used to it each time," he admitted with a laugh. "Come on. I know a place where we can get some comfortable clothes."

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