Chapter 11

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It's been an entire week ever since that night with the Lost Boys. It was a really fun night, although Peter wasn't there, I had no idea if I was relieved or disappointed. But nevertheless, I still had fun.

Throughout the week, I have been occupying myself by talking with Emory. I was able to talk with him and he told me that he was going through a rough patch. All because his best friend died the last time pirates came. When he told me this, I sympathized with him. I knew how it felt having someone close to you die.

When he asked about my old life, I contemplated if I was going to tell him about it. I wanted to, but I also didn't. Emory was already starting to heal while I'm still an open wound.

He told me that he understood though. He said that he knew a hurting soul when he saw one. He also promised that he wouldn't push, which is what I'm grateful for. So, Emory became my best friend in Neverland.


One night as I was headed to my tent and getting ready to sleep, Peter suddenly appeared right in front of me. I haven't seen him for a week and it was shocking since I still haven't gotten used to his magic. I fell on my back on the ground and Peter helped me up.

"Thanks," I grunted. "Long time no see."

"Well I've been busy."

I didn't say anything but wondered what he could be busy with. I mean, other than his business.

"Anyways, I need you," he said. He threw me a sack which is probably filled with those plants again. "We're going again."

"Going where?"

"Going where?" He repeated and looked at me as if I was stupid. "To the Enchanted Forest of course! I've got another business deal I have to take care of."

I didn't bother to fight him. He was back in his irritable self. "What do you even need me for?"

"I told you, I needed a second opinion."

Still, I didn't believe him.

"Are we headed back to that pixie cave?" I asked him. I haven't seen Liya in a while. She only visited me once to see how I was doing, then I didn't see her again.

"No. We only did that since you haven't been to the Enchanted Forest before. Since you already have, I can take you there now by my own magic."

"Okay," I nodded, even though I didn't exactly understand. It made sense but it also didn't at the same time. At this point, I didn't bother to ask questions and just went with the flow.

All of a sudden, Peter held my hand. Upon doing so, dozens of memories came swirling back in my head. Memories of Newt and I. It was a normal thing for people to hold hands, but it became an intimate thing for Newt and I. It became a special thing for us because it shows that we're there for each other.

Most people hold hands and don't think about it. It became something like second nature to them. It doesn't have a special meaning to them, but it does for me. And it did for him.

I was too wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't realize that Peter and I were at the Enchanted Forest.

"Are you alright?" Peter asked, bringing me back to reality. "Are you feeling sick again?"

"No, I'm fine," I reassured him. "It's just- When we travel, can you not hold my hand?" I know that it would probably sound a bit weird to him, but I had to at least try.

It was night, just like it was in Neverland. In the darkness of the night, I couldn't see much of Peter's expression. "You don't like to hold hands with me?" He sounded offended.

Moving On (Peter Pan X Reader ft. TMR: Newt) Where stories live. Discover now