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I stroll into my first lesson, late as always, walking to my seat at the back of Mr Willoughby's Science class.

Science was one of my favourites. Not because I liked learning about enzymes, no, because Mr Willoughby was the most easy going teacher in the entire school, you could do what you wanted because he's like seventy and he's scared of youths. The only thing I hated about science was that I had to sit next to Chase.

He completely ignores me as I stand next to him. I see him frown before glancing up at me.

He knew full well that his bag was on my chair, he knew I needed to sit down next to him, He knew what he was doing, and he knew it would wind me up.

I pick up his bag from my chair and throw it down next to him.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He scoffs.

"Moving your fucking bag you asshole" I scoff back.

"Don't touch my stuff in the future, yeah?" He rolls his eyes.

I blank him completely, seating myself down before getting out my book and writing the date. Thats pretty much all I did throughout the whole lesson, other than sleep and draw a graph on some shit about the DNA in a kiwi? I don't know.

"Ok Ladies and Gents, we're coming to the end of todays lesson, you can start packing your things away" Mr Willoughby announces and I get up and leave. Chase following.

"What, do you think you're a bad girl for walking out of lesson?" He chuckles as he follows me to our next lesson.

I glance over my shoulder at the dickhead and roll my eyes.

"Why don't you shut the fuck up" I reply and I hear Chase snort as I enter the bathrooms.

Ok. Maths. The class I absolutely despise. I mean, I despise them all but maths is dreadful.

Chase is in the class above me, so thats good but theres no way i'm going to that lesson today. No way. 

I lock the door of the disabled bathroom, sit myself on the floor and light up a cigarette.
I don't smoke a lot, only socially, but when I'm stressed smoking is my only option.. Other than drinking but with the amount of stress i have right now, alcohol wouldn't be the best option. I'm not ready to become an alcoholic at the age of seventeen.

I rest my head against the wall, inhaling the thick smoke into my lungs. Smoking is disgusting, but as soon as i take my first puff I instantly feel relaxed, until i hear a loud knock on the door. I shat my pants, let me tell you. I quickly throw the remaining cigarette into the toilet before flushing away, flapping my hands around to try and get the smoke away before taking out my deodorant and spraying it around the bathroom. I was being such an obvious piece of shit.

I open the door and take a deep breath in.

"Are.. you Ember?" The really hot caretaker that everyone fancies asks. I gulp.

"Yeah.. Hi?" I frown.

"Eh-I, I don't want to sound weird, I'm just doing my job.. but what were you doing in there?" He asks.

"Having a shit" I say bluntly.

"Thought so" He nods. "It's just, you're supposed to be in Maths right now, and your teacher was wondering where you were.. We got told by one of your classmates that you were in this toilet truanting" He explains.

Ember RoseWhere stories live. Discover now