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I wake up under a small blanket on Chase's sofa, not remembering anything that happened the night before. I sit up, thirsty as fuck, reaching over to the table to take a sip of the water that had been left there from last night. I hear footsteps and quickly put the glass back down, placing my hands in my lap.

A topless Chase enters with a fresh glass of water, placing it on the table before taking the old one. He jumps slightly as he notices I'm awake. He gulps before scratching the back of his neck.

"Uh, I got you some fresh water.." He mumbles before leaving the room.

After around ten minutes he returns fully clothed, seating himself on a dining chair to scroll through his phone, acting like I just wasn't there. Take your top back off you beast.

"Chase.." I try to say but it comes out as a whisper. I clear my throat. Chase lifts his head, looking at me with his mouth slightly open,

"Why am I here?" I gulp.

Chase rolls his eyes at me.

"Because you cant handle your drink" He says bluntly. I start to question what the fuck I was doing last night.

"Wh-what happened?" I ask and Chase locks his phone aggressively, slipping it into his pocket.

"You attacked Lew, fucking caused a scene in the garden and everyone was watching, then almost collapsed on me, then puked everywhere..you were a fucking state" He frowns.

I bite the inside of my cheek, frowning slightly.
I start to feel a little queasy and stand up quickly to grab the water.

"You ok?" Chase frowns, standing up. I shake my head frantically, feeling so fucking strange.

"If you're going to throw up tell me because my mum will kill me if you puke on my carpet" He says lowly. I look up at him, the whole room completely spinning.

"Ember?" He calls, a slight hint of worry in his voice. I try to focus on his features but everything's blurred.

"Sit down" He orders. I step forward before collapsing into his arms. I hear him whisper a "fuck" to himself, and thats all I remember.

I wake up again on his sofa, this time with Chase sitting beside me.
"Shit, are you ok?" He frowns as I open my eyes. I nod slightly, siting up as Chase hands me some water.

"Your hands" He frowns.

I look down at my grazed palms, breathing in slightly.

"And your knee.." He nods towards my knee, making me glance down at the cut, dried blood trailing down to my shin.

He silently gets up, returning with a bowl of water and come cotton wool. Kneeling down in front of me before softly cleaning my knee. It was really sweet of him.

"Thankyou" I smile.

He looks at me blankly, taking my hand is his. My heart stops for a moment as I stare into his eyes.

"Is fine" He says bluntly as his eyes avert to my hand and he begins to clean my grazed palms. Was it bad that I was preparing myself for a kiss?

He finishes up, standing up and bringing me my shoes.

"Do you feel ok now?" He asks and I nod in reply.

"Good, you should leave" He says bluntly as he walks to the door. Ouch.

He slams the door behind me, not even saying goodbye and that was that. I make my way back to Jess' house at a slow pace, taking in as much fresh air as I could before making my way up to the front door and knocking lightly.
Jess opens the door looking like an absolute mess, alcohol is a bitch.

"Hey" She grunts as she lets me in. I slip off my heels and throw myself on the sofa next to Flo.
"Did you fuck Chase?" She grins.

"Flo stop. No i did not. He was actually really nice to me for about 5 seconds but it turns out he's still a dickhead" I sigh and the girls frown.

"I slept on his sofa, and this morning he looked after me.. gave me water and shit.." I chuckle.

"And i think i fainted? I dont know? but I felt really weird and I remember going really dizzy and he put his arms around me and I woke up back on the sofa.." I shrug.

Jess giggles. "Wait so you didnt go back to his to have sex?"

"What? No! He took me to his house because apparently I 'cant handle my drink' according to him" I scoff.

Jess and Flo look at each other and crack up.

"Its not funny. Anyway, he cleaned my cuts for me and It was super sweet of him" I pout as I show them my knee and palms.

"Aww" Flo pouts.

"And then basically told me to fuck off out of his house" I nod.

"Ouch" Jess comments and I nod.

"Yeah, exactly" I frown.

"Lewis has a black eye by the way.." Flo raises her brows and I sigh.

What the actual fuck is wrong with me, why am I such a bitch.

"And theres a video going round of you attacking him" Jess adds in.

"What the fuck" I sigh as I run my hands through my hair. "I'm going to be the talk of the school" I roll my eyes.

I was already know for being the "bad girl" with the attitude and all of the younger students are literally so far up my ass you can see their heads when I open my mouth.. but i hate it. Me being the girl that beat up Lewis is going to be the gossip for the next few weeks. The school will probably get involved too. This is so shit. Why the fuck do I do things like this.

Jess breaths in as she scrolls through her phone.

"Here" she says as she passes me the phone and I gaze down at the video.

"YOU FUCKING DICKHEAD" I watch myself scream as Chase lifts me off of Lewis. I frown down at the video, watching Chase say some shit to me. It looked like he was trying to calm me down but i don't fucking know, I don't remember. You couldn't see Chase's face as his back was to the camera. He had his arms wrapped around my wrists and he was guiding me away. He wrapped his arms around my waist and my hands were on his chest. What the fuck, i was a fucking state. I then watch myself throw up, hearing Lewis screaming abuse at me as Chase holds my hair back. Damn.

"Im such an idiot" I scoff.

"No you're not.. i know you Em, you don't just go around attacking people for no reason" Flo states and Jess agrees.

"Only thing is, Lew seems to think you just attacked him for no reason" Jess gives me a lopsided smile and i sigh. Resting back on the sofa.

Oh i cant wait for school on Monday.

Ember Roseحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن