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It was around 8pm and Myself, Flo and Jess were getting ready for Finlay's party. We were all pretty much ready, we were just waiting around and having some pre drinks.

When we were all slightly tipsy, we made our way round to Finlay's house which was only a few roads away from Jess'. We get to the house, making our way through to the back garden because 'thats where the alcohol was' according to Flo. As Flo drags us through the house of sweaty, drunk teens we get stopped by Finlay.

"Ember Rose Wilson where the fuck do you think you are going" He jokes, spinning me round with a chuckle.

"Finlay!" I squeal. "We're just going to find the alcohol" I laugh as I wrap my arms around him.

"Thankyou for coming my lovelies, you all look sexy as fuck" He winks as he hugs Flo and Jess.

"Alcohol is by the stairs" He points.

I had known Finlay since primary school and ever since I was young I knew he wasn't the straightest of boys. I had to hold in my thoughts, knowing he was gay before he even did. It was exciting as fuck, watching him grow and recognise himself and his sexuality. I was the first person he came out to. It was when we were fifteen when he finally told me for himself that he's attracted to males and it was literally the best day ever. I had been waiting for this day my whole damn life and I was so fucking excited, and so fucking happy for him to finally come out.

Myself, Flo and Jess find the alcohol, a hot ass sober, mid twenty year old pouring us all out some vodka and lemonade. We thank the 'barman' and head to the garden, saying hello to everyone as we sit down on the garden chairs. I take out a cigarette and light it up as I cross my legs on the chair and join in with the conversations. I feel someone tap me on the shoulder and I spin round, my eyes meeting with Lewis. He was with a pretty brunette girl who i'd never seen before, I smile at her awkwardly before frowning at Lewis.

"Uh, Ember this is Isabel, she's a family friend of mine and she's staying with me for a while.. can she come and chill with you girls" He asks.

"Yeah sure" I mumble, I sounded so rude but I honestly didn't mean it. She looked anxious, she didn't know anyone and I felt so bad for her.

"Here, sit down" I smile as I pat the seat beside me. She gives me a small smile, sitting down as she scans the group of people.

"Hey, I'm Flo" Flo smiles. "I'm Isabel" She smiles back.

Jess also introduces herself and Isabel started to feel more comfortable. Isabel told us how Lewis has always been a bit if a dick, but apparently he's a really nice lad deep down. I can hardly believe that but whatever. We all spoke for ages drinking fuck knows how much until it started getting cold and the four of us decided to head inside. I was completely pissed out of my head.
As we made our way to the door, Lewis whistles to get my attention. He motions for me to come over with his hand and I excuse myself from the girls.

"I'll meet you inside" I say as I walk over.

I breath in as I reach him. He was sitting with Chase, who was slumped in his usual dickhead seating position.

"Is Isie alright?" He asks and I nod in reply as I cross my arms, shivering slightly as the wind blew. Chase glances at me as I shiver putting the glass beer bottle to his lips.

"You look cold" Chase says with a fuckboy nod after he swallows a mouthful of beer. I nod, an awkward hum escaping my lips when I realised Chase actually fucking spoke to me in an alright tone, although he still sounded pretty blunt.

"Shouldn't have worn such a slutty dress then, eh?" Lewis nudges Chase with a chuckle. Chase raises his brows as my facial expression changes.

"Im sorry, what?" I frown at Lewis as he laughs.

Ember RoseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora