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HI sorry for not updating this story for ages. I've had writers block for god knows how long. We're close to the end of this story, but I have another book, 'Spotlight', which i'll be starting to publish very soon. Thankyou all btw, even though theres only a few that read this, you're the best!


Both myself and Chase had been excluded from school. Chase having to spend a week at home and another at a different school before he could be let back. I had only a week at home, seeing as I had done less of the damage. We were only three days into our exclusion and we were making the most out of our time away from school.

"Stop" I giggle as Chases hands find their way under my shirt to tickle my ribcage.

He gives me a quick peck on the jaw, which is all he could have done before May knocks on my bedroom door.

"Someones at the door" She states.

I frown a little, "..ok?"

"They're here for you. The both of you" She smiles slightly, "I shall let them in"

"Don't" Chase frowns, "we'll talk to them outside" He smiles at May before getting out of bed.


"Say what you've got to say and leave" Chase frowns as Charlie stands at the door.

Chase had so much control over Charlie and I didn't like it. I didn't like how Charlie would completely obey Chase. Although, without Chase, Charlie would probably have a lot of control over me, and probably would have done a lot more damage to me than the bruise on my wrist.

"I- uh, I'm sorry" Charlie shrugs looking at me with a face full of guilt. He really meant it.

"You're what?" Chase asks aggressively.

"Im sorry" Charlie speaks up, "For hurting you, and for being a dick, I'm sorry".

Charlies eyes were fixed to the floor.

"Who are you talking to?" Chase asks.

"He's talking to me, Chase. You know who he's talking to" I butt in bluntly, earning Charlies eye contact.

He looked almost scared as he gives me a small smile. I give him a quick reassuring smile back before Chase speaks up again.

"Give me your weed and leave"

Charlie nods, placing a small bag into Chases hand before leaving my front garden, after saying a quick bye of course.
Both me and Chase head back inside and back upstairs before I shut my bedroom door behind the both of us.

"You don't need to be so mean to him" I sigh as I sit down on the bed cross-legged.

"You said that about Freddy" Chase chuckles as he takes out the small bag of weed along with his tin to roll.

"What are you doing?" I frown, knowing that my Aunt would kill me if she knew there were drugs in her house.

"Rolling a joint?" Chase states the obvious.

I nod, slightly scared incase May came in, but also too scared to tell Chase to not do it in the house. He finishes rolling, placing it in the tin before taking out another paper and rolling a second. After crowning the end and putting the tin back away, he takes my hand.

"C'mon, lets go to the park" He smiles before leading me out of my own house.


We sit down on the grass, near enough the same place we were when we came after school that time. Chase looks at me with a small grin before giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

"You're alright if I smoke, yeah?" He asks, taking out his tin.

"Mhm" I nod slightly as I watch him put a joint  behind his ear, the other placed between his lips before lighting it up and taking the first pull. He lays on his side, holding himself up on one elbow as he pick at the grass with his other hand, the joint between his fingers.

I watch him for a moment before asking what I'd been dying to find out since we were back at mine.

"Who's the other one for?" I ask, biting the inside of my cheek.

Chase says nothing, pointing to the spliff behind his ear with raised eyebrows. I nod.

"Me" He states. "One for now, one for later, why?" He chuckles.

I shrug, giving him a small smile before running my hand through his hair, watching him relax as the drugs filled his lungs. He placed his head on my lap, now lying on his back. He looked so calm and relaxed and I wanted to feel that way too.

"C-can I have it?" I ask quietly, watching the frown form on his face.

"Can you have what?" He asks, brows furrowed.

"The- never mind." I bite my lip, frantically searching for something else to say before he questioned me any more.

"This?!" He asks, an amused expression now plastered across his face as he points to the joint behind his ear, his eyes slightly smaller and bloodshot.

I frown a little, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Yeah" I let out, shuffling a little in order for him to get off and sit up.

"You want this?" He chuckles. I nod.

"This whole zoot to yourself?" He grins, taking it from behind his ear and examining it. I shrug, now contemplating whether or not i was making the right decision.

Chase chuckles to himself with a small shake of the head. "Fuck, no"

"You're not having this" He laughs, "definitely not" He says, placing it back behind his ear as he lays back down on his side.

I nod, placing my hands on my lap as i feel my face heat up. Chase glances at me, eyes now extremely bloodshot before laughing quietly to himself, running his hand through his hair as he glances at me again before being unable to control his laughter.

I smile slightly, knowing he was laughing at the fact that I has asked for weed, but I knew he wouldn't have found it half as funny if he wasn't so high, therefore it was less embarrassing for me. He was now on his last few puffs, taking his time to enjoy the last bit through chuckles before turning to me lazily.

"Here" He grins holding the joint up closer to my lips. I hesitate, watching him carefully.
He gives me a small reassuring nod before his eyes avert to the burning end.

"Its wasting away" He bits his lip before glancing at mine. "You dont have to, but I th-"

I place my lips around the joint, Chases eyes focused purely on my mouth as he watches me inhale.

{I haven't proof read,
bare with boys and girls}

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