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It was Tuesday afternoon and I was sat in science next to my favourite person on earth, Chase. Note the sarcasm. He hadn't acknowledged me or even opened his book for the entire lesson, he just sat on his phone.

"Chase, what was I just explaining?" Mr Willoughby says as he notices Chase on his phone.

Chase glances up for a moment before quickly finishing off what he was doing on his phone, slipping it back into his pocket before clearing his throat. "I don't know" He shrugs as he leans forward, putting his elbows on the table to rest his chin on his inter winded hands. He pouts slightly as he begins to feel the awkwardness of everyone staring.

"I don't fucking know man, can we move on" He raises his eyebrows as he glances around the classroom.

"Mind your language, I'd like you to ask your partner what we were talking about and then explain to me what it is" Mr Willoughby says as he tries to be stern.

I purse my lips together, averting my eyes to anyone other than Chase. I sense Chases head snap in my direction and I completely ignore his gaze. I stare at Mr Willoughby and he raises an eyebrow at me and nods towards Chase.
I gulp, turning to look at Chase who was staring at me blankly. I raise my brows, pretending i don't know what the fuck is going on. "Tell me then!?" Chase scoffs.

"Tel-Tell you what?" I frown. God, my acting is on point.

"What was the teacher just talking about you idiot?" He frowns, freezing me with his cold gaze.

"Diabetes" I mumble before turning back to my book, fiddling with my pen before glancing up at the teacher who was now waiting for Chase to give an explanation. Chase glances at me, clearing his throat before sitting back comfortably  in his chair and opening his mouth to speak.

"Its when the body's blood glucose levels are dodgy" He speaks up with a shrug.

"I want a proper answer" The teacher frowns.

Chase huffs before speaking. "Diabetes is a disorder in which the body's blood glucose levels remain either too high or too low" Chase says. Damn.

"Good, and how can this be treated?" The teacher asks, slightly surprised at Chases knowledge. Chase shrugs with a uninterested expression.

"Try and answer" Mr Willoughby raises his brows.

"Insulin. Injecting insulin" Chase scoffs.

"Good!" Mr Willoughby smiles.

After explaining a few other things, Mr Willoughby  gives us a few questions to answer in our books. We all talk quietly amongst ourselves. Well.. everyone else does, me and Chase sit in silence.
I found myself completely and utterly stuck on a question and the more I tried to answer it the more I got wound up:
Give one difference between genetic modification and cloning.
I begin to tap my pen on the table as I try my hardest to think of an answer before frustration gets the better of me and I slam my pen on the table, sitting back in my chair with crossed arms.

"Genetic modification produces a single new organism" Chase mumbles. I glance at him, he was slouched with crossed arms, hadn't picked up his pen once and looked so bored out of his head it was unreal.

"What?" I scoff.

"Genetic modification produces a single new organism, write it down" He says lowly. I frown at him with a small glare.

"Write it" He sits forward as he runs his hand through his hair whilst pointing to my page with the other.

"Genetic modification-" I read out slowly as I begin write down. "Produces a single mew organism" Chase repeats, resting an elbow on the table and I write down what he says.

"-Whereas cloning produces exact copies of an organism" He finishes off. I write it down, giving Chase a light tipped smile.

"Thanks" I mumble before moving on to the next question.

Mr Willoughby comes round to see if me and Chase were ok and were understanding the work. He frowns at Chases book, realising chase had only answered the first question, which was only a multiply choice question.

"Chase, why aren't you doing your work?" The teacher frowns. Chase shrugs, running his hand over his face with an annoyed expression.

"Ember, well done, thats great!" Mr Willoughby smiles as he reads my - Chases - answer to the question I was stuck on.
I ignore the teachers praise and glance at Chase. After a while Mr Willoughby moves on to the other students and I turn to Chase.

"Science definitely isn't one of my strong subjects" I chuckle, trying to make conversation.

"And your point is..?" Chase frowns.

"I'm just saying, I hate it. You're really good at science, why don't you ever do any work" I frown.

"I don't want to do any work, school isn't an option, Ember. I don't want to be here if i'm honest" He scoffs.

"So w-what would you want to do when you leave school?" I asks in curiosity.

He shrugs. "I don't know" He mumbles.

"You must have some kind of idea of wh-"

"No. I don't." Chase cuts me off bluntly.

I fiddle with my pen, trying to find something to throw into the conversation without sounding like I was interrogating.

"You should become a teacher" Chase nods, making my heart race slightly at the sudden burst of civilness.

"A teacher?!" I laugh.

"Yeah, you're a good teacher. I watched you helping the younger students with their maths. You're perfect" He smiles. I give him a small look. Im perfect?

"At teaching" Chase quickly adds in. "Perfect at teaching I meant. Not perfect as in everything about you- well - I, I mean- you probably are perfect to a lot of people but I meant to say you're perfect as in, perfect at teaching, not-" Chase stutters turning the deepest shade of red.

"I know what you meant Chase" I laugh.

Chase gives me an uneasy chuckle before trying again. "You're a good teacher, and you're good with younger kids" He nods.

I had never seen Chase like that before. You know, unable to get his words out and blushing like a princess who'd just seen the jesters dick. Chase usually doesn't give a crap what others think, and would literally say what he liked with no care in the world. Not worrying about whether he messes things up or offends anyone in any way. I was honestly waiting for him to say some shit like "everything about you is far from perfect because you're a fucking little slag you fucking cunt, I hope you get run over by a bus you silly little girl", but no, he covered up what he said to try and make me feel better. It was nice of him, but he'll probably be a dick again in about two minutes.

Oh well.

Ember RoseWhere stories live. Discover now