Once A Cheater Always A Cheater - Part 16

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Hey, I've recently got back onto wattpad and reread my story and felt that the last two chapters did not really fit the character development, therefore I chose to delete them and write a more fitting end. I hope you enjoy it :) Please share this story with your friends and also share your thoughts by leaving a comment or/and vote.

Thank you all for reading my story and supporting me throughtout, it really meant a great deal to me to have over 20,000 reads :)


Recap: Katie's P.O.V.


I watch Sarah's eyes stare into my soul and feel such a relief when I hear the sirens. Sarah looks at her surroundings to find that the police have covered the area. She shouts "WHAT?! NO, WHO INVOLVED THEM?!". Sarah screams like a maniac "THAT'S IT! I CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE!". Sarah's breathing goes out of control and she feels overwhelmed. I look at Sarah as she loses it and takes a leap...


Katie's P.O.V.


It is very strange how one decision you make in life can determine all the emotions you have to experience. I never thought I would feel this amount of grief over a baby I had no intention in having and yet, nevertheless, the pain was not any easier to handle. I did not know whether to be spiteful and hate Sarah or to understand the roots of her hatred and why she did the things she did. But it did not matter now whether I would have wanted to reconcile with Sarah because she was no longer here and neither was my perfect little sweetheart. To think I had only known her for a short period of time and yet, I will forever close my eyes to find her there.

Although, all these thoughts were circling around my mind and I felt hurt. I was in a state of serenity, I chose to be in denial and it was because of that I have ended up in an institution. My family say it will help 'cure' me, that seemed quite impossible at the moment because the only thing that could cure me, would be to see my little sweetheart once again and just to know she felt nothing when she passed away. It then crawles into my mind that my baby would have felt all the pain, she was only a few days old and how could someone, not just anyone but a mother, allow this to happen to a little baby, my little baby. The anger grew inside of me and I pushed myself up, I wanted to kick the doors down. I screamed "LET ME OUT! I DON'T WANT THIS LIFE ANYMORE!". The doctors all rushed into my room and before I knew it I could feel the medication doing its job, as I went back into the numb state they all want me to be in. The doctors felt I was a danger to myself and others now.


Jason's P.O.V.


That one decision I made, the decision to cover up for Sarah...it was ridiculously stupid of me. I admit it, I don't have the best instincts but nevertheless, everything happens for a reason. I told the police it was in fact Sarah who committed the crime and they set me free. I mean I know I committed the crime also but they didn't have to know that. Now as a free man, where should I visit first?

I walked into the institution Katie was admitted into and made my way to her room. I looked in through the little glass window and felt nothing. I never really cared about Katie but we had two things in common, we both loved Emma and I. Katie looked at me with her piercing eyes and it almost made me feel a sense of guilt. But I was never too fond of emotions, I sat next to her and laughed "you really are a hot mess, look, I'm only here to let you know that the funeral is tomorrow and you were her mum, therefore are entitled to be there".

Katie looked at me like she wanted to slap me, wouldn't be the first time I got that look from a girl. Katie shouts "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!". I looked at her surprised and she cries "Obviously I am going to be there for my little baby's funeral and you think you have the rights to come in here, without my permission and tell me this information? Really? As if I am not in so much pain as it is and yet you must come down here to taunt me?". I could feel Katie becoming more aggressive, I stepped back and sighed "look, I thought I'd just remind you, okay?". Straight after responding I regretted my choice of words.

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