Once A Cheater Always A Cheater - Part 11

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Hey :) So I tried to make the last chapter dramatic as I could :) I hope you liked it, Now will Katie go to the police ? :) Read on and see :)


Jason got up and grabbed my wrist as I was about to go, I looked back "You don't wanna do that now, trust me". Jason laughed "What can you do?", I turned back and kicked Jason in the balls "you forgot I got trained by you and you play dirty". I looked at Jason on the floor, then Sarah crying and Destiny screaming, yet that wasn't enough pain for me...


Sarah's P.O.V


I saw Jason on the floor, I didn't even care. All I could think about is Jamie and how much I hurt him. I got up and took Destiny, I walked out of the airport. I didn't know where I was going but I carried on walking. I walked for about 10 minutes until Jason caught up with me. "Sarah! Wait! Where are you going?!" Jason shouted from inches away. I didn't turn back "Just leave me alone Jason" I broke into tears. "It's all my fault, I'm going to go to the police and confess!" I cried.

Jason caught up with me, pulled my arm and turned me around to face him. He looked into my eyes "You'll go to prison, do you want Destiny to go into a care home?". I looked up at Jason with tears "If I don't, it will haunt me forever and I can't even sleep, you can look after Destiny", Jason replied "I'll get nicked too or just get her taken off me by the looks of my record". I frowned "But..." and Jason interrupted "But nothing, we are going to go back to my house for the day, since we missed our flight".

I wiped my tears away "Fine but...only for Destiny", I saw Jason's reaction and added "and you". I faked a smile "Nicky deserved it, being such a whore at my...", my voice broke into a little whine "Wedding". Jason took my hand and took me back to the car. I walked slowly, so he started dragging me. I got in the car, Jason put Destiny in her sitter and got in. Jason drove us to his house.


Katie P.O.V


My head is all over the place, I don't know what to do. I still care about Jason, it's so hard not to and I want to ruin his life but I just can't. I am standing outside the police station but can't make myself go in the police station. I saw Jamie coming out of the police station and turned back but he saw me and walked up to me.

"Katie, what are you doing here, do you know who did it?" Jamie asked, I looked at him about to lie but just started crying. I said in a messed up noise, Jamie probably didn't know what I was saying "I-I d-didn't want tooooo but it it just hap-happened!". Jamie looked confused "what, I don't get you?" and I looked at Jamie. Breathed in "I know who did it, it was Ja Sar-Sarah!" I said making the end of my words long.

I watched Jamie's confused face turn into an angry face, Jamie clenched his fist in anger and turned red. Jamie said grinding his teeth together "She shot Nicky! how could she?". I looked at Jamie "She found out about you and Nicky, in your room before the wedding and...I told her" I looked down. "I could take you to Jason's house, I mean I want to help now please" I said. Jamie replied "Get in the car" and I got in my car and started the engine up.


Jamie's P.O.V


I was so pissed off, how could Sarah shoot Nicky just because I cheated on her. I agree cheating on someone is wrong but shooting Nicky is not the answer to fixing anything. Katie drove to Jason's house and parked up front. I got out of the car and knocked on the door, almost knocking it down. Jason answered the door and I punched him in the face. I watched him fall over and Sarah ran over to him, helping him up.

Sarah looked up and her face looked shocked "W-what are you doing here Ja....". She couldn't finish saying my name and I replied "YOU SHOT NICKY!". Sarah tried to give me her puppy eyes and I looked away. I shouted "You better confess or I'll tell them!", Sarah said crying "But they will take Destiny away, do you want that?!".

I replied "She's not my daughter and to be honest she will be going into a better family, that is not so twisted!". Sarah crying "Please Jamie, you must have felt something for me, to stay with me for a year and choose me over Nicky". I started laughing "The only reason I stayed was because Nicky told me to, I NEVER LOVED YOU! I LOVE NICKY AND ALWAYS HAVE AND ALWAYS WILL!".

I looked at Sarah "Confess" I said calmly and I walked out the door. I slammed the door shut loudly and got back in the car. Katie looked at me "Did everything go okay?", I looked back at her "yeah everything was super dandy!" I said in a sarcastic tone. Katie dropped me off, to get my car and I got in my car, made my way to the hospital to see Nicky.


Sarah's P.O.V


"I'm going to confess...now, now...I'm going to confess now!" I said repeating it over and over again. Jason looked at me "No you are not, I'm going out stay here". I said tearfully "I can't anymore, my life's a mess...I never wanted this and...and". Jason walked out the door, leaving me there, on my own. I looked around, I don't even know where I am, who I am or why I am here anymore.

I made my way upstairs and got paranoid, is Jason going to the police station to tell them what I did? Blame it on me, would he do that? I kept asking myself, being so paranoid and annoyed. I felt like I could not breathe anymore, all of this was killing me slowly and I just could not do it anymore. I opened Jason's bed side drawer and found an expensive, sharp knife and picked it up.

I held it and slowly started to take it closer to my stomach. I could hear Destiny crying in the background but I couldn't stop. I was so close, suddenly...I hear the phone ring. I picked it up, thinking it was going to be the police, to take me away but it wasn't. I talked panicking "Who is this?". I was so confused "No, no....he's lying it was not him....I mean it couldn't be" but before I could say it was me, the line cut.

I thought to myself why did Jason do it? Why did he go hand himself in for something I clearly did. I mean maybe he did it too but why save someone you only use........I mean he did use me right? Did he actually love me? all this time I thought he was going to betray me and I got him wrong...

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