Once A Cheater Always A Cheater

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Hey this is my first story EVER ! Yeah I know, I am about to lose my story-ginity ;)

 Hope you like it :)

I am only going to give you a little hint about the story:

 This story is about a girl called Nicky who falls in love with a boy called Jamie.

 She gives everything up just to be with him, including her family and friends.

Jamie cheated on her once already but promised he won't ever again but............. 'Once A Cheater Always A Cheater'. So will he cheat on her again? If he does who will she run to for help since she gave everything up for him ? Read on to see :)


Nicky's P.O.V


I got in the car, Jamie by my side. I knew it was wrong, I am only 15 years old but I just loved Jamie so much and wanted to be with him. I could have stayed and tried to convince my parents and friends that he was good, that he was not going to break my heart again. But inside I knew that they would not understand because they saw how hard I took it when I found out last time. I know in my heart that Jamie is the one and I'll never find that kind of love ever again. So I did what I had to and packed my bags to run away with Jamie.

Jamie drove us to his, I looked around the place and it didn't seem like a nice area not like my family home where I grew up. I walked up to the front door, it didn't feel welcoming and felt cold. Jamie opened the door with a big grin on his face, I smiled back and walked in. I looked around, it was much better inside. It looked warm and cosy. Jamie showed me all the rooms but one which his friend owns. I hugged Jamie "Babe, this place is perfect" and Jamie looked into my eyes "I know it's not perfect, but one day when I have enough money I will buy you the perfect house". I could not help but smile at what Jamie said, it could not have been sweeter.

I headed upstairs to unpack. While I was unpacking I got a text from my best friend Sarah, it read " Nicky, don't go with Jamie, I need to tell you something x". I looked at it, felt so bad that I had to lie to my best friend but I know she has a big mouth and can't keep it to herself.

Jamie came up to say goodnight, he had to work. Jamie worked at a nightclub, he really loves his music but I got jealous because he had fit girls all around him. I guess I still had the feeling he was going to cheat on me once again and just didn't want to admit it.


Jamie's P.O.V


I said goodnight to Nicky, walked out of the house and into my car. I rushed over to Sarah's, her parents were out of town. I got out of my car, slowly made my way up to Sarah's to surprise her and I knocked on her door. Sarah opened the door, I looked at her from top to bottom and kissed her firmly on her lips. I smiled "Hey babes" and I got a reply I never expected "Don't hey babe me, You said you were going to break it off with Nicky". I stood there as always trying to lie my way out "Babes I did, I don't know what she told you" and looked innocently into her lovely green eyes. Sarah once again fell for my lies and said "Oh, I'm sorry" and sighed "Its just this is eating me up and its good you told her now". Then we went upstairs.......

I looked at Sarah, I moved her hair away from her face and softly said "I love you". Sarah looked back at me, she hugged me "Jamie, I love you too and I have to tell you something". Tears ran down Sarah's face and I could tell something was wrong. I quietly said "What's wrong, are you okay?" and Sarah breathing heavily replied "No Jamie, I'm pregnant and it's yours!". I looked at her shocked, thinking to myself -No it can't be- and thinking about Nicky. I said in an angered tone "What?! How?! No Sarah, NO!". Sarah wiped her tears and said in a broken voice "I..it does..doesn't matter w..we can kee..keep it, now that I know you love me".


Sarah's P.O.V


I looked up at Jamie, I could tell something was wrong and shouted "OH MY GOD, YOU DON'T WANT IT!". Tears ran down my cheeks, I couldn't believe it. Jamie just stood there silently, I freaked out and screamed "NO JAMIE! Y-YOU CAN'T..........". I could feel myself turning red with anger, Jamie still hasn't said anything and it has been 4 minutes now.

I got bored of waiting for him to say something, I left to go to the kitchen in tears. Finally I saw Jamie coming up to me, I had a little smile on my face. Jamie approached me, looked down at my stomach and said "I'm not going to make you have an abortion", I smiled and eagerly looked up at him to say he wants to raise the baby. Jamie smiled at me "We are going to raise it together", I hugged him so tightly and said "Oh my god Jamie! thats all I wanted to hear".

Jamie looked at me with hisgorgeous sparkly blue eyes "But...." and right then I knew he was going to say something to make me hurt. I looked at Jamie and sighed "What now?".

Jamie replied to me with a soothing voice "I lied, I didn't break up with Nicky but now definitely will". I didn't know what to think or say, should I be mad that he lied or thrilled that he is choosing me?


Nicky's P.O.V


I laid there waiting for Jamie to come back, I felt so scared and alone. I thought myself to sleep but around about 3am I heard the door slam, I got up to see if it was Jamie and went downstairs. Jamie looked at me so coldly, I almost thought it was a dream but then he said "It's over between us" and I could feel the pain, forget pinching myself, my heart said it all.

I looked at Jamie "What!? Is this a joke?". I started crying, I couldn't help myself. I am normally more strong but for the last 2 weeks or so, I became very emotional and weak. I thought I was just weak from Jamie's love. Jamie looked dead serious "No, I cheated on you again and I am sorry but now she's pregnant, I can't just leave her" and sighed "I went to break it off but it's not going to happen now". I fell to the floor with tears down my cheeks "Jamie, You swore you wouldn't cheat on me again!". I said while crying "I just left everything for you and your telling me this now? They probably read the goodbye letters by now"

Before I knew it I stopped breathing "I..i..can't....bre..breathe! J..jamie". I lost balance and everything turned black...

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