Once A Cheater Always A Cheater - Part 2

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Heey, My first chapter ' The Cheating Begins ! ' did not go that as well as I wanted, but I hope that as I make more chapters the better and known it gets :)

Hope you enjoy it :)

Here is a recap of what happen last time:

I looked at Jamie "What!? Is this a joke?". I started crying, I couldn't help myself. I am normally more strong but for the last 2 weeks or so, I became very emotional and weak. I thought I was just weak from Jamie's love. Jamie looked dead serious "No, I cheated on you again and I am sorry but now she's pregnant, I can't just leave her" and sighed "I went to break it off but it's not going to happen now". I fell to the floor with tears down my cheeks "Jamie, You swore you wouldn't cheat on me again!". I said while crying "I just left everything for you and your telling me this now? They probably read the goodbye letters by now"

Before I knew it I stopped breathing "I..i..can't....bre..breathe! J..jamie". I lost balance and everything turned black...


Nicky P.O.V


I finally wake up, hoping to see all my family and friends waiting for me and giving me hugs, but when I woke up there was no one there. The doctor came up to me, asking me if I want the results or if I want it when I'm a bit more stable. I thought about it, "better now then later" I smiled. I looked at the doctor, my heart started beating so fast and I could tell it was something bad.

The doctor said with a smile on his face "You will be happy to know that you and your baby are all fine and well". I smiled and thought to myself for a while, "Sorry what? Baby?". The doctor replies to me slowly "yes...your baby" and the doctor walks away. I could not believe it, I am having a baby. This is probably the worst timing ever. I could not help myself from crying and my hormones were all over the place already.

Jamie walked into the room, looking all nice and sweet. I prayed to myself hoping that last night was a dream but had to face that it was reality. I looked at Jamie, he looked so concerned but obviously didn't love me enough not to cheat on me. Jamie said lovingly "Are you okay?", I could not help but sound a bit annoyed, after all who wouldn't be? "Yeah not that you care, have you got my bags?". Jamie's smile turned into a frown "Yes, you know I never ment for this to happen", I started laughing "Jamie, If you didn't want this to happen then why cheat on me? Why sleep with someone else and knock them up?". I started crying "You, know it is really easy not to sleep with someone, after all I haven't". Jamie looked into my eyes, it always made me feel like he could see through me and said "I'm sorry but I need to stand by this baby". Jamie put my bags down beside me "You know I really did love you and still do, but this baby....it needs me".

I was just about to tell him, but I knew if I told him then he would only stay for the baby and not me. So just one more thing I have to hide and keep from everyone. I've been doing that a lot these days. I put on a fake smile even though I was dying inside "Well...do what you have to, I know how it feels when you have to be there for someone". I turned away because I could not stop myself from crying and did not want Jamie to see.


Jamie's P.O.V


I thought to myself as I was walking out of the hospital, I didn't want it to be this way and never meant to hurt Nicky. I just loved her so much but I couldn't leave Sarah with this baby alone. I had so much to think about, it is between Nicky or my own baby. I know that at least Nicky can find someone better than me because she is still young and free with no baby. But Sarah is young and knocked up and could not find a guy that easily. Also I don't really want someone else to raise my baby.

So I just went back to my house for some rest and to think everything over....


Sarah's P.O.V


I heard the doorbell, I was so excited thinking it was Jamie but when I got there it was Nicky. I was so shocked "Nicky....What are you doing here?", Nicky was just standing there crying. I was expecting her to slap me but she just said "My life is a mess, can I move in with you please I have no where else to go?". I couldn't say no to her, she is my best friend even after everything, so I said sweetly "Sure" and hugged her.

I took Nicky to my spare room and smiled "So you can stay here, make yourself comfy". Nicky started crying even more, I was worried about her "What's wrong, Jamie breaking up with you is not the end of the world". I felt so happy that Jamie broke up with her but still so upset for Nicky. Nicky looked at me so strangely, I thought she knew but she came out and said "Sarah, don't tell anyone" and I replied "Of course babe, I swear on my life I won't". Nicky said slowly and looking down "I'm pregnant, It's Jamie's".

I stood there frozen, I couldn't believe it. I held her wrist by a hard grip "Please, please say you are joking" and she replied to me while tears ran down her cheeks and nodded "No, I'm not". She burst into tears, I hugged her and at the same time couldn't stop crying.


Jamie's P.O.V


I thought everything over, got ready and went over to Sarah's house. I knocked on the door, Sarah opened it and I gave a gentle kiss on her lips but then I noticed who was behind her. Nicky said nicely "Whose at the...". I panicked, I said stuttering "I-its not w-what i-it looks l-like" and Nicky is not dumb, she put two and two together. Nicky ran upstairs and I just stood there looking at Sarah. Sarah tugged me into her house and sat me down. She looked into my eyes "You need to sort this out, talk to Nicky and I will too".

So I went upstair to talk to Nicky with Sarah by my side. I sat on the opposite side of the bed from Nicky "Look Nicky, I never meant for this to happen" and Nicky looked back at me not convinced "Look save your lies, I don't need to hear it". For some reason I couldn't have Nicky mad at me. "Nicky, Look it just happened" I said trying my best to convince her. "Nicky don't blame Sarah it's..." and Nicky interrupted me "I'm going...for good". "So save me your bullshit and leave it" and she got up and started packing.


Sarah's P.O.V


I couldn't have my best friend mad at me "Please Nicky forgive me, I just....." and she looked at me in away that made me feel so guilty, which I was "Look Sarah, I don't care and you are pregnant, you need him more than me". I stood there thinking no Nicky you are pregnant too. I couldn't help it, it just came out "YOU AREPREGNANT TOO!".

I looked at Jamie, he was gobsmacked and then Nicky. She looked so torn up. What have I done...

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