Once A Cheater Always A Cheater - Part 6

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Hey guys thank you for reading my chapters :) Hope you enjoy this chapter :)


I went upstairs with baby Damien and put him in his cot, I then got under the covers of my bed and gave it a better thought........should I go to their wedding or is it all going to turn into a disaster if I'm there? Is it a good thing if I mess it up? After all, she made my life a hell and what do they say? Pay  back is a bitch...


Sarah's P.O.V  


I shouted up "Jamie, are you ready yet?" and Jamie shouted back down "I'm almost done". I put Destiny in her push chair and locked her in safely.  

Jamie finally came downstairs "Come on, lets go", Jamie took Destiny and went ahead. I locked the door and caught up with Jamie. We went to get our hall and catering company booked. "Jamie, I'm hungry now" I moaned and Jamie replied "Come on babes, lets go to that cafe over there in the corner". All three of us went and sat in the cafe.

A lovely looking waitress came to take our order, she kept looking at Jamie, she kept smiling at him. "What can I get you love?" the waitress said with a cute smile, Jamie replied with a flirty smile "I'll just have a chocolate muffin and chocolate smoothie, what about you darling?". I looked at Jamie and sighed "I'll just have a tuna and cheese sandwich with a can of coke". The waitress walked away, I watched as Jamie was watching her walk away.

I breathed in deeply "Seriously? We are about to get married and you flirt with every girl you see?", Jamie replies with a joke "No of course not, I don't flirt with the ugly ones" Jamie starts laughing. I looked at him with a straight face "Lets see how funny you find this, I invited Nicky to our wedding" I smirked.


Jamie's P.O.V


I was shocked "Are you serious?", Sarah replied "Yeah, Nicky is going to come to our wedding". I laughed "You are so out of your head, inviting a person who hates us both". "Well I want her to see me win!" Sarah shouted. "Win what?" I replied, "See me win your heart, you love me! Not her!" Sarah shouted. Everyone started looking at us, "Look Sarah lets talk about this later, at home, when there's no one around" I whispered.

I got up and took Destiny, "I'm taking Destiny with me, come home when you calm down". I walked out of the cafe, feeling embarrassed by how many people were staring at me. Sarah started shouting "Jamie! Don't leave me! Jamie! Please!". I got home and put Destiny down in her bassinet. I was on my way downstairs when I tripped up on something, I picked it up. It was Sarah's phone, I didn't know why but I started looking for Nicky's number. It took me time to find it but I finally found it under a fake name, I dialed it in and waited for Nicky to pick it up.


Nicky's P.O.V


Oh god Sarah's phoning me again, I picked it up and started shouting "Seriously! I am not coming to your wedding Sarah!". I heard a voice that I hadn't heard for over a year. "Nicky, Its me Jamie...". Oh god my heart started racing "What do you want Jamie?" I said trying to hide my feelings. "Look Nicky, I'm sorry for everything....Please just come to the wedding so I can see you" Jamie said. I started laughing "What is it with you and your wife to be? I don't want to go to your wedding okay? face it".

Jamie sounded so upset "Well...if you change your mind, it's next month on the 1st of June". I replied "Well I can't, I'm abit busy with my baby, you know being a single mum is hard and traveling makes it harder". Jamie sounded sad "I'm sorry but you pushed me away...so is it a boy or girl?". I didn't really want to tell him, until he could see for himself. I tried being nice "I'll talk to you later, I have to drop the baby at Katie's".


Sarah's P.O.V


I calmed down, so I walked back to the house. I opened the front door and saw Jamie, with my phone. "Jamie, what are you doing with my phone?" I said accusingly. "Uh-h...Erm...Nothing" Jamie tried covering up, I walked up to Jamie "Did you phone Nicky?". Jamie stuttered "Uh-h....N-nah", I looked into Jamie's eyes "Look Jamie, we are getting married soon and I would hate to find out you still kept in touch with Nicky".

Jamie looked down, "Jamie! Look at me!". Jamie picked his head up slowly "Look, I'm sorry but I just wanted to tell her to come to the wedding....to see you win". I looked at Jamie and smiled "Good, because if I find out it was something more than that...lets just say you're going to have no baby or wife". I kissed Jamie on his lips softly and smiled. I tugged him upstairs.

While dragging Jamie upstairs I couldn't help but think about whether Jamie still loved Nicky? Did he want to know his other baby? Is Destiny not enough for him? How could I get rid of Nicky forever...

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