chapter eight

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Eric was angry and frustrated about how things were going between him and Victoria, he thought she would be easy to get along with but he was so wrong, she had been typing on her laptop ever since they got on the plane and it was frustrating him, she hadn't eaten anything since they got on the plane and it has been three hours now and the last time he saw her eat was breakfast.

Eric was annoyed at himself for being bothered about her this Victoria was doing something to him and he didn't like it one bit, Victoria kept typing on her laptop, and Shantel kept bothering him pissing him off the more.

"Baby come into the room with me please we need to talk" Shantel said

"Why won't you eat," he said to Victoria who was still doing whatever she was on her laptop.

"I've eaten....." Shantel started to say but was cut short when Eric stood up and went to collect the laptop from Victoria, she rolled her eyes and hissed her hatred for Victoria growing the more.

"Give that back to me Eric," Victoria said

"Until you eat" Eric said closing the laptop.

"Am not hungry, right now"

"You should be, cause I am and I need to eat," Eric said

"Then eat am working" Victoria said throwing her hands in the air frustratedly.

" YOU EAT WITH ME" Eric said emphasizing every word.

"Baby cmon if she's not hungry then let her be" Shantel said giving Victoria a deadly look, all the hatred she felt towards her was visible in that one look.

"She would eat with me, period," Eric said looking at Victoria who was trying to think about anything that wasn't related to Eric or his girlfriend.

The aroma of the food caused Victoria to open her eyes and immediately her stomach betrayed her by growling, she realized she hadn't eaten anything since breakfast and she was sure they have been flying for hours now, The flight stewardess served the meal and gave Victoria hers.

Without wasting much time Victoria dived into the meal not saying anything until she was done, when she was sure her stomach couldn't take any more she drank a cup of orange juice and water.

"Thank you," she said to Eric feeling a bit embarrassed.

Satisfied that she was okay and had eaten, he gave her her laptop and went inside the room to see Shantel whom he knew would do nothing but complain about Victoria, Shantel wasn't his kind of woman, and for God's sake he didn't have a kind of woman until he met Victoria on that faithful day when she did her presentation that led to him promoting her, ever since the day he saw her in that board room she intrigued him, everything about her made him crazily want her, and that made him run a background check on her and found out she lost her parents ten years ago, and yet she still managed to get a job at his company, with the standard he set, it wasn't easy to get a job in his company that made him admire her the more.

Then the China deal came in and he needed to get married or else no ship of gold for him, no barrels of oil and no business in China for him. Chief zo qua refused to do business with him cause he was single, he believed single people had no sense of integrity a man without a wife is an incapable man, he always said, desperation came in and he needed to get married or else his rivals would find out and go after the business, He thought of marrying Shantel but she wasn't someone he could trust with an issue like this, she was too wild for his liking he needed someone who had business ideas like him, someone who he couldn't trust but would try to, And that day on his way back from China a single Lady came to his mind Victoria Valeria Christopher, And immediately he called up his lawyer to prepare a contract, a contract marriage with her and also get in contact with her guardian her aunty.

But now it's becoming difficult to be with her as seeing her with any man annoys him, ever since he left Isabella no other woman has ever made him jealous cause he hated love and marriage after what Isabella did to him, so why then did this creature called Victoria and her innocence want to change that.

"Am talking to you, Eric!" Shantel yelled at him.

"And am listening" he lied of course he wasn't listening he was thinking about Victoria again. It was becoming annoying what she was doing to him.

"She's not going to stay in the same suite with us" Shantel said crossing her hands on her chest.

She was annoyed at how Eric had been behaving ever since he married Victoria, the night she spent at his place was nothing but empty the way he touched her wasn't the way he use to touch her, it was as if he was making love to someone else in his mind, he refused to eat until Victoria joined them and even went upstairs to call that bitch, and even after she left the dinning he went after her totally ignoring her call, And now he wants her to sleep in the same suite with them hell no, she didn't even understand why Eric didn't marry her instead of that poor orphan.

"She would sleep in the same suite with us 'cause I want her to, if you have a problem with that you can as well go back, I have a business to do in China and I need my supposed wife with me," Eric said sternly.

"So what about what I want Eric? What about me your real woman how do you think I am feeling about this!" Shantel said the pain visible in her eyes.

"Feel the same way she is feeling right now" Eric said and left the room back to where Victoria was only to get there and find her sleeping, she looked like a Disney princess according to his mother, the way she managed to fold herself into a ball on this chair was unbelievable to him as always.

When he realised that he had been staring at her, he almost face-palmed himself, well almost cause the thought of it alone was annoying and childish, it fits Victoria more as he had seen her do that uncountable times, He removed the laptop she was holding and placed it on the table, then he carried her bridal style to her room, she felt so light and small in his hands, when he placed her on the bed she folded herself once more in a ball on the bed, he had to resist the urge of pecking her on the forehead. Or kissing her lips, he missed how it felt on his, quickly he left the room before he did anything stupid.

He went back and picked up Victoria's laptop and the urge of him wanting to see what she had been doing kicked in and this time he couldn't resist it. He went through her laptop as she left it open and was surprised that she had been working, she was drawing a plan for a business idea that she had in mind to boost the sales of the company and after studying it he felt like throwing her up in the air cause it was brilliant. His admiration for her went to a whole new level.

"Ah what on earth is Victoria doing to me"





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