Bully Smut (Frusciante)

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Summery: You have been a long time friend of the band, but you and John never got along. It was like a brother/sister relationship. But after awhile of fighting, John confesses that the reason he's an ass to you is because he likes you. Smut!!

You and chad had been sitting in this old building, twiddling your thumbs, waiting for the rest of the band to show. John; you could care less if he showed. I mean, yeah, he was a great player but, damn, was he annoying. He was always just a dick. Whether you were sleeping or in the middle of a conversation, he was fuckin' with you. (You dirty fuckers. Not in that way!) John was hot but that's not the point. "So, what have you been up to?" Chad asked you. You shrugged your shoulders. "Nothin' much. I'm pretty boring." Anthony walked in just as you said that. "Stop lying, your awesome."

John was close behind. "Nah, she's right. She's pretty fuckin' boring." He laughed. You sank down into the couch glairing at him. You put your feet on the short table in front of you. But of course, John just had to walk by. Be bumped your legs with his shins, "Move it, wench." You ruffled your eyebrows as you lifted your legs. He smiled thinking he had won. You being you, casually said, "Bad move, fly boy." and kicked his thigh making him crash into a chair. You giggled to yourself when they all busted out laughing. You held your head high as you put your legs back on the table.

They played a few songs while you sat back and listened. They would all be playing wonderfully but the second you though it was too good you would throw a pen at John, or a cookie, or spoon. He really got into the moment, jammin' out, ya know, really getting into it. Then you threw a pencil at him. John stopped what he was doing, drop his hands, shot you a straight bitch face, then kept playing. Just to piss him off even more, you would walk up to him and just move around him. Jell-O arms while skipping around him. Surprisingly, everyone else didn't seem phased by it. You had had your fun for the day so you sat back down.

The second Anthony yelled, "Alright, I think that's it." John could not get his guitar off fast enough. He gently set it down and backed away making sure he didn't bump into it. Once he was at a safe distance he darted towards you. You jumped up from the couch and ran around the table. You shuffled around trying to get an opening to run. You were at the other end of the table when John jumped on it and tackled you to the ground.

"Alright, I tap!" You screamed. "No taps!" He yelled back. You knew what was coming. John stuck his finger in his mouth and slowly moved it towards your face. He had given you a wet willie for about 30 seconds before standing. You sat on the floor with your shirt to your ear trying to get the spit out of it. "Gross!" You yelled. He laughed walking into the hall. "Thanks for the help, guys." You said looking at the other 3. They couldn't stop laughing.

You stepped out into the hall where John was wandering, "Why are you such a bitch?" You asked. He looked up at you, "Cause, your easy to pick on." He laughed. You lightly punched his shoulder. John made a shocked face a grabbed his arm, "Ow! What eh fuck!" He yelled, making Anthony, Flea and Chad come running out. He smiled at you knowing they would take his side. "Why would you hit him that hard? I know he's a guy, but damn." Flea said. You looked back at the smiling John. "Motherfucker." You mouthed. They had all gone back to what they were doing after John said, "It's alright, I think I'll live." He walked off holding his arm but as soon as he got into the room he started laughing. That fucker.

Everyone was leaving the building to go back to the hotel. Anthony and Flea got in the same car to save gas, but Chad chose to take his own car. They all left the parking lot including John. You stood by the curb waiting for a cab. Finally, a cab pulled up to you. You got in and told them the address. Within 10 minutes you were at the hotel. You paid the cab driver and walked inside. You flashed the desk clerk your ID and walked towards the elevator. "Wait!" The desk clerk shouted. "Room 47?" You turned around. "Yeah, package, mail, what?" She shook her head, "Your room was flooded due to a broken pipe. Your gonna have to book another room or get anther hotel." You groaned throwing your head back.

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