Withdrawal (Frusciante)

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Summary: John shows up at your house asking for help with his drug addiction.

You were walking to your door with hand full of bags. You suddenly stopped realizing your front door was open. You dropped your bags outside the door and slowly walked in. "Hello?" You said waiting to see some one jump out behind a door and yell, "Boo!" You walked a little further. "Who's here?" You asked grabbing a knife from the kitchen. A shadow walked out of your room. You didn't recognize it. it was very frail, skin and bones, hair all over their face. "Who are you?" You questioned as it continued to walk toward you. You shut your eyes preparing for what might come.

The person hugged you and cried into your shoulder. "I missed you." You knew the voice. "John?" Your voice quivered. "Yeah." He said blankly. You pulled him off of you, "What the hells wrong with you? I looked for you for months. You don't return my calls, your don't write any letters. I was worried half to death. But it ok. You were out partying." You crossed your arms across your chest. He looked at his feet, letting tears drip down his face. "I'm sorry. I was in a dark place. But-" You cut him off, "Oh, and I'm doing just fine. Yeah, your bestfriend leaving your without saying anything, that doesn't put you in a dark place. Your right, sorry I'm being so selfish." He dropped to his knees grasping your hands, "I need help. I need to get clean." John's eyes pleaded. You couldn't stay mad at those eyes.

"Fine. But you need to get your shit together. No more lies, no more bullshit." You stood up nodding his head, "I can do that. Thank you." He smiled weakly. You smiled back at him, "I'm glad your back." You let a single tear slip down your face. You didn't catch it in time though. John walked back over to you and whipped it off with his sleeve. "I'm sorry." He choked out. You broke down. You flung yourself at him, crying into his chest, trying not to hurt him. He looked only about 80lb. The last time you saw him he was at least 145lb. He wrapped his arms around your neck, "I'm so sorry."


You watched some moves till it was about 1am. "Alright, John, time to go to bed." He reached up to grab your hand, "Got an extra bed?" You shook your head. "I'm keeping an eye on you for a few days." You led him to your bedroom. "I call the outside!" You yelled diving on the bed. He chuckled as he walked over to the bed. He crawled over you trying not to hurt you. He got under the blankets and scooted close to the wall. "What are you doing?" You asked John. "I smell bad, I don't want you to have to smell me all night." You giggled playfully slapping his arm, "Get over here." He smiled getting closer to you. You snuggled into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you. A minute went by before you said, "You godda' shower in the morning." You both laughed before falling asleep.


The 1st few days were hard. You hated seeing John in pain, he was always sick and crying. He would always yell, "I'm dying! Call 911!" Of course, you didn't. Withdrawals were always hard. You may feel like your dying but that feeling passes within an hour. You went to bed crying most nights. You couldn't stand to see him cry in pain all the time. He was always there for you but he was always emotionally drained. You soon got over that feeling when he got better.

John got better with time. He started putting on some weight and his scars started to heal. You were in the kitchen cooking a meal for you two when he came up behind you and scarred you. "Ahh!" He yelled as he grabbed you hips. "Oh God!" You yelled jumping. You turned around with a frown slapping his chest, "Damn you, Frusciante!" You tried to stay mad but it was hard when you heard his laugh. You stopped to give him a sweet kiss. You hummed softly. He stopped. "What?" He smiled, "What do you want?" You scoffed, "What makes you think I want some thing?" You acted all offended. He raised an eyebrow at you. You caved, "Can you set the table?" He chuckled, "Alright, the food better be amazing."

You set the food down on the table sitting right next to him. You started eating like a pig. You stopped to hear John laughing very quietly. "What's funny?" He covered his mouth, "Your so cute." You threw you head back laughing very loud and very sarcastically. You dropped your head with a chin tilt looking him dead in the eye. "Right." You went back to eating. "It's true!" He said grabbing your face.

You shook your head, "Stop." He slammed his fork on the table which made you jump again. John aggressively picked you up. "John! What are you doing?" You asked as he threw you over his shoulder. (The view was quite nice...) He opened the door with his free hand and set you on the bed. You propped yourself up with your elbows looking at the man hovering near the bed. "I'm tired of you always saying your ugly or thinking I'm lying when I tell you your beautiful." You were confused. He moved on top of you looking into your eyes. He kissed your neck starting from your ear. "Your beautiful." He moved to your chest. "Your so sexy." He slowly removed your shirt exposing your chest. "But most of all; your mine." He kissed the valley between your breasts.

"Alright, John. I believe you!" You giggled. "Ok. Now get dressed and come eat. Its getting cold." He smiled. "Tease!" You yelled as he walked out the door and around the corner. "I know!" He laughed from the kitchen.

WHAT DO YOU THINK?!?!?! I didn't really know where this was going but I like where it went.

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