The favoured dog

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I stared at his back as he was leaving the locker room. If looks could kill he would have been dead by now. Why I felt so venerable around him. Each time he poked his Finger at my chest it caused a lot of pain. Certainly he was a well built personality, a walking bundle of muscles,no doubt he could cause so much Pain just pointing a finger. I rubbed my palm on my chest to subdue the pain and hissed in discomfort, what disturbed me the most ,the whirl of wind blowing in the pit of my stomach whenever I touched the area.

I went to bathroom and hunched over
one of the sinks. I smoothed my clothes and combed my hair with my fingers. That asshole, that piece of shit, who the hell he thought he was? I sure was mad as hell---- no,I was pissed off as hell. Sliding those thoughts aside I exited. On my way to class  i saw Michael waiting for me at the hallway. Mika had to dump us for the day to look after her annoying brother.

He came closer thinking a bit" you....kind of look.....messed up". He announced taking pause ,longer than necessary. I knew ,how do I look like when I am utterly pissed ." I found something about that jackass". he informed. I wanted to hear whatever piece of information he had. I looked at my wrist watch and motioned him to the class" we' ll talk  that later,I already missed the first class"I patted on his shoulder "see you around at lunch time"and  I left for the class.

During the class I could not concentrate coz i was busy scheming the ways to put that jackass down. I was wondering what could have Michael found on him. Shame on me ,I was scheming like a school girl to win over her crush ,butttt. ... I could not come fist to fist with him,no----  not when it could cost me everything. My conspiring mind brought back to reality by the sudden ringing of bell indicating the lunch time. By the time I was dreaming, all the students had already left the class. I was a bit over excited to meet Michael, what sort of information he could have gathered,I was wondering. I gleamed with my newly founded hope.

" must be very excited to show me around "he smirked leaning at the door frame of the class. " what can I say are the favoured dog of Mr Henry " I regretted as soon as words left my mouth, he flinched, but smirked regaining his composure back. Mr Henry the principal of Amber High,well known as the man of rules and regulations,was the walking spectacle of honour .The position well suited him. And there was the sucker in front of me ,giving me headache all the time he came to me. What would have he done to gain a favour from Mr Henry. He might be some sort of--

" Ahhmmm......."he caught my attention raising a brow "stop day dreaming about me" he smiled mischievously. 'Holly fuck ! How did he knew I was..... I mean... 'I could not formed the thoughts in my head."let's go we don't have the whole day"he motioned me to follow him. I was caught off guard by  this narcissist. I clenched my fist to prevent myself, punching the smug look out of his face."are you coming or should I go to Mr Henry "he peeked at me with a warning." Dam"I hissed and followed him outside,stomping my feet in anger.

Last hour of school was the most satisfying thing in my day, where I could be myself and ease my mind in boxing practice. As I entered the field Michael was sitting on the bench eagerly waiting for me. I strode and sat next to him " you ditched me"he accused. Technically speaking ,he was right, but I was forced to ditch him and accompany that motherfucker. Adding a pause to my thoughts I grabbed his bicep" hey ! don't be mad. We are going home together "I reminded him the promise I made to him. As Mika did not come today Michael insisted on driving me back.

"What an honour to have you here Mr Mathew Smith"coach commented adding extra politeness" now drag your asses to field" I stood up to change my clothes as everybody had already dressed up " and where the fuck are you going " he asked angrily. "Going to change" I explained. He snapped his Finger at the boys "why the hell are you standing for, start running fifteen laps each..... for warm ups." He commanded like a jailor and turned to me " you ditched practice yesterday "  he squinted his eyes pointing a finger at me " or don't you care to train........, thinking yourself invincible "he gritted angrily." go get changed and complete the laps with others, ten extra for Skipping the practice yesterday".

Michael waited at bleachers ,while I finished twenty five laps. In the beginning of the session ,coach wanted to train us for physical fitness. A fit body is the first requirement for any sport,one damage to your physique could be the end of your career as an athlete. As I expected, everybody had already left by the time I finished.

After taking a quick shower I came out, a towel wrapped around my waist,rubbing my hair with another. Michael was fully dressed, picking his bagpack pack he locked the door of his locker and stood in front of me. He observed me head to toe and contemplating  for a while he inquired "soo......that's why you didn't show up at lunch" I lifted my head to look at him and followed his stare " is that a love bite....who is the lucky girl ?" He  pointed his index finger on the red and swollen area of my chest. Holly fuck! I thought. He poked his finger on the red marks and I hissed grabbing his wrist tightly " stop it....! That's not what you think....." I growled, out of pain or anger I wasn't sure. He raised his hands in surrender " must be very heated make out " he added before shoving his hands in his pockets.

'That wasn't a make out' ,I shivered at the thought and a tint of pink painted on my cheeks." Someone is blushing as hell " Mike hummed in pleasure. I pointed a middle finger at him and started to dress myself. 'Was I really blushing' I questioned. No....I was just embarrassed, I tried to make sense.


"What do you have on him?" I asked handing him over the cup of coffee I made after we reached at my house.

"Today I was him coming out of a limo"  he paused to take a sip from his cup " he must be rich as fuck" he added " he also have a chauffer ".

" and how can It help me to take him down " I dived further.

"I over heard his conversation with principal and he called him uncle...... for more than once" he emphasised the last four words. On hearing this the hair on the back of my neck raised in attention.

" And what's that supposed to mean ?" I murmured softly.

Shooking his head he came closer and wishpered " I am working on it " .

By the time Michael left my house, I was exhausted as hell ,part of it came from the punishment and part of ,from the fresh piece of information ,Michael provided today.

" what kind of ties he  have with Mr Henry " I wondered muttering to myself. But they don't look alike. I groaned in frustration and tiredness. Then a sudden realisation hit me hard ' I don't like to be called by my surname' a line that he emphasised in the class along with his introduction.

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