Rest Assured

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I staggered out of the bathroom still trembling.

'What the fuck was he trying to do and why the hell I was so fucking nervous. My body was aching wherever he touched me. The tingling sensation of his breathing lingered on my lips. I touched my lips to subdue the burning. The way his fingers rubbed my bottom lip made me shiver. They were cold just like his cold personality. But that coldness could have burned me alive if  i had not pushed him away.

As the lunch was already over there was no use of searching for Michael or Mika.

I closed my eyes, resting my back against the wall I was standing by just a moment ago. One by one all the incidents since the morning flashed in my head. 'How the king of douche made my day a living hell!'.

Everything would be over sooner or later, I reminded myself again and again.But the strange feeling in the pit of my stomach made me nervous. I felt weak,very weak as if he were a fucking parasite and drained all the energy out of my body .

May be Mika was right about me being haphephobic to his touch. But why him ? Why not Michael or Mika?
Why the fuck he said ' ...I can't do that' when I asked him not to touch me ever again. What's that supposed to mean. Is he going to do that thing again..... I shuddered at the mere thought.

I groaned in frustration clenching my head in my hands. 'What am I supposed to do to get rid off him?'.

My stomach  growled reminding me that I missed the lunch and i made my way to the cafeteria.


" ain't you gonna change "? Michael nudged me halfway through changing himself.

I could not get the memory of what happened in the restroom out of my head. ' I should just forget about it. I can forget about it. I will forget about it' I clenched my fist in determination.

" are you alright?" placing a hand on my shoulder Michael saved me from further mental torture.

" I am fine " turning to him I sighed " I am just a bit tired".

" you have been zoning out a lot lately"being less convinced by my reply he continued" let me delight you..." he paused and turned around to look if there was anyone other than   us . After clearing his doubts he turned to me again " if it's again about that Samuel guy ..."the corners of his eyes crinkled,lowering his chin a bit more he wishpered" let me deal with him in my way ".

" And what that would be"? I doubted his strategy.

" A tit for tat kind of plan" he said while putting on his gym cloths.

I did the same and got changed. 'But what exactly is he going to do' I was still wondering when coach shouted
" ladies hurry up....we don't have the whole day...!" And  laughter echoed the gym.


As he walked out of the lockers fully changed and ready to practice ,each muscle of his body moved with every moment he made. Looking at his athletic shape no one could have ever imagined him being a fucking idiot who is afraid of being touched.

"Don't you worry it's a payback time....." putting his arm around his neck Michael assured him and  brought him a bit closer to ruffle his hair.

I flinched at the gesture. Why the fuck was he so close to him ,if he really was afraid of being touched. Moreover he smiled and seemed relieved in his side hug.
But the way he reacted to me as if---- I were a contagious disease ----angered me as hell. Am I that fucking horrible?

" boys....! " raising his hand in air coach broke the chain of my thoughts " we have a new participant for the practice..... " he directed his hand to me. All the eyes along with Michael and Mathew turned to me.

When his gaze met mine, his body stiffened.

' Fuck...! He is doing that again' I mentally cursed. If he really is going to treat me like a plague I am going to take the advantage of the situation. I made up my mind to destroy him completely.

A vigorous clapping turned my attention back to the ground.

" enough with the welcome..... " he ordered as a general commanding his crew and a sudden silence swept over the grounds " we are going to practice on footwork today" he informed filling up the arena with enthusiasm.


After practice coach wanted me to stay for a while to discuss something. When I walked back to lockers everybody had already left. I opened all my clothes to get ready for the shower  except for the briefs. A sudden turning of knob from one of the stalls caught my attention. A well toned body, glistened with fresh droplets of water ,sliding down from one ab to another...!

"WTF are you staring at?" a question out of blue caught me off guard. What the hell I was thinking? My gaze lingered at him longer than necessary. A towel was wrapped around his waist, hanging a bit low to show a faint line of blonde hair ,starting right below his navel and going down towards.....!

"Stop it?" He yelled. Startled with the sudden reaction I took a few steps back. I did not even realise how close I was to him!  'WTF is wrong with me'? I mentally slapped myself.

"What d'y mean?" Gaining my composure back ,I fired the question. He was rubbing a towel to dry his hair. The freshly mixed smell of shampoo and shower gel filled up my nostrils. It kind of felt like forest rain.

" I mean...." He seemed at loss of words. And I liked the way he looked afraid. So I took a few steps and came closer to him. The aroma of rain forest filled me up again.

"S--Stop doing those strange things to me?" he stuttered.

"What strange things...? I took the advantage of the situation and pressed my body on to his. Instead of being muscular he was soft Just like the way I remember  when we stayed in  the hotel' Grand Avenue'. Without thinking I placed my hand on his chest. And what I heard was weird! I literally can feel the thumping noise of  his heartbeats. His breathing was uneven as if he were running a fucking marathon.

Suddenly I butt landed on the ground. " these fucking things, which you do every time you came near me,every time you touch me".

He was right. I intentionally wanted him to suffer, knowing very well his fear of being touched. But what I could not have been able to digest was  the fact that ,he was reacting so badly only to my touch.

"Stay away from me" he gritted the last warning before walking out of the gate.

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