Telling A lie

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"You are coming, right?" Michael asked me for the hundreth time since the morning. I nodded and changed for practice. He was pestering me since yesterday when Linda invited me. I did not want to go since she was friends with the scumbag, Samuel.

"Everyone will be there" he shrugged "you know......she is kind of popular in school". walking towards the field,he stopped and smirked " who knows....! You may get the chance to make out with that chick again "he reminded me. A shiver ran through my spine at the thought of making out with....! I paused the reign of my thoughts. He was really getting on my mind.

When Mika came to my house that day, she asked me the same questions,Mike might had told her about the marks." These are just fighting marks " I tried to convince her " Sam and I got into a small fight". It was hard to make her understand once she has made up her mind about something. From that day on I ignored Samuel as plague,but he kept on pestering me one way or another. Once,when we were in class "I will snatch everything away from you" he whispered into my ear while sitting on his seat ,behind me.

" Smith on the ground" coach yelled at me,bringing me back to present." We are running out of time " he reminded me "trials will start from next Monday".

I sighed and obeyed his instructions. Today was Friday ,I had only ten days left to work hard for selections. whoever wins the trials would be selected for the final games.

In the evening Mika came to my house to pick me up for  the party.
" stop whining " Mika chided "That's not the end of the world".I did not feel like going. But Mika had already made her mind to drag me to hell.

I wore a grey suit for the party. Once again checking myself into the mirror before wearing a tie,I called dad to inform him for me being late tonight. Mika was dressed in blue gown,her blonde hair were tied into a high ponytail,swinging side to side with every movement she made.

When we reached at Linda's house the music was booming on full swing. I searched for Michael but he was no where to found. I called him to know his whereabouts but he didn't pickup. I saw Linda with Samuel, clinging on his arm like a leech.

" it's party time " he exclaimed raising the glass of champagne, unlocking his hand away from Linda. It was a lavish party, with free booze. The dance floor was crowded with the crazy people rubbing their bodies on each other.

"Want one ?" Mika elbowed me indicating the bottle of beer. I denied."what's the point of being here if you cannot enjoy yourself " she complaint. I told her to have fun and excused myself to the bathroom.

"How many times have I told you not to bother me" I heard somebody yelling on the phone " you and I have nothing to talk about". I saw Samuel coming out from one of the toilets,holding his phone so tightly that it could break into pieces.

" what the fuck are you doing here"he asked, really pissed off.

"What the fuck do you think, I am here for?" I retorted.

"You must be here to have fun....own your own" he accused " as I have never seen you with a girl ".

" I can have any girl in this school" I gritted,clenching my fist to prevent myself from fighting. " A moron like you won't understand . I have better things to do in life than to fuck around",I made my point.

He came to me and wishpered " we will see... who will be the centre of attraction at the party"?

"What's the point?" I demanded.

"The looser will leave the winner alone" he tempted me.

This was ,what I wanted since the day I met him. If I win ,he has to leave me alone."OK" I nodded,thinking of the prize i was about to get .He stretched his hand ,I griped it firmly and shook it.



I spotted Linda and went to her. I just wanted to have fun. A call from my father was enough to piss me off, I wanted to forget everything about him. I tricked Mathew to play along with me as I  challenged and he accepted,showing the semblance of true sportsmanship.

When the party ended he was wasted enough to roll in gutter. His friend Mika stomped at me " you did this to him"she accused " now you have to take the responsibility ".

" why should I?,I have not forced him to drink and dance like an idiot?"I argued.

"But it's clear enough that you tricked him" she said " are you a man enough to take your  fucking responsibility ?" she challenged smirking.

"He is not my fucking responsibility" I tried to get off the hook.

"Yes! he is" she insisted "he have never drunk that much, I can't take him to my house, his father will be worried as hell" she explained the situation.

"Fine! I will do it" I sighed. I just wanted to leave ASAP coz was tired as hell.

I had to drag him to my car he was too wasted to wake up.

George smirked and opened the back seat for us" so he is your.... new found interest in school "he asked while starting the car. In return i just glared at him.

He raised a hand in air " now, where am I supposed to drive you sir?"he mocked.

I was not in the mood for chit chat,first coz of my father, now coz of this pansy. " drive me to a hotel " I commanded.

He turned to look at me " I had no idea about you being gay" he said hypothetically.

"Shut up" I rejected his hypothetical assumption" tell Dad I am staying over at a friend".

The car stopped at the hotel 'Grand Avenue'. As I Dragged Mathew out of the car he mumbled some incoherent sentences. The only thing that was clear to me, was the word 'dad'. He might be very attached to his dad.
The hotel was not as luxurious as I used to stay but was moderate enough to spend a night.

I tightened my hand around his waist to keep him steady he groaned in my ear,fanning his hot breath on my neck and that irritated me as hell. I Dragged Mathew to the reception. The girl on the front desk,showed one of her trained smile.

"Room ...?" I asked. " we have one single room "she informed looking doubtfully at unconscious Mathew in my hold. " me and my husband want some quality time together " I lied to remove her doubts squeezing Mathew even closer to me. Being gay is better than to being a kidnapper,I argued in my mind.

Her demeanour changed on hearing about us being a couple, she handed me the key to our room showing her another trained behaviour like a dog
" have a nice time" she wished. I nodded in agreement and took the keys from her.

I staggered under the weight of the burden I was carrying. I scooped him up in bridal style,he snaked his arms around my neck for support. With difficulty,I made my hap hazardous way to our room. I threw him on bed, but he never let go of my shirt so I landed on him. Sure as an athlete ,he was quite fit himself ,but I was taller and stronger than him. As our bodies collided with sudden force ,he coughed for the lack of breath and let go of my shirt. He sat up,sliding me aside" w...water.."he huffed half consciously rubbing a hand on his throat. Out of instinct I rubbed his back to make his breath even and handed him a glass of water.

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