The crisis

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"What the fuck are you staring at" next morning when i woke up I saw Mathew looking at if asking me what happened. I was angry more to myself than to him. 'How can I give in so fast?'.

Uttering a simple nothing he stood up and put on his briefs showing me the nice perked up ass that I nailed the last night. He stepped towards the bathroom " where the hell are you going ?" I gritted."I am going to take a shower.  I hope you won't mind " he innocently replied. " I said Get the hell out of here" I shouted.

"then why the hell did you brought me here....."he choked trying hard to force back the brimming tears back and tightly clenched his jaws to think for a while. By the looks he was miserable..... sad..... disappointed. It was unbearable to face his questions with my guilty soul so I turned my head to the other side. He came closer and softly asked"Was I sober when you fond me...... do you know whom I had sex with..... " and those words were like bomb.'What.....!he did not remember what happened between us. But how can he not? Last night I was out of control and I might have hurt him to remember for a week. How the hell he can't remember" however I took it as a golden opportunity to turn the wheels back. my conscience was heavy on my heart, still I pretended"how the hell am I supposed to know.  You were fucking unconscious when I found you".

"Where and when exactly did you find me....."his eyelids drooped for few seconds and he reluctantly looked up "was I......i know.....i think it happened. I can feel it. But can't remember anything...... like when or.... with whom.... you know what I mean.... Did you saw anyone when you took me here".

He was making it hard to lie in front of those glossy eyes. One more minute or a question from him will break my defenses down. I mentally slapped myself for the upcoming words from my mouth "get the fuck out of here.....
last night I took pity on I can't see you... in the eyes..... you annoy me. Now drag your fairy as down and leave my house.  I don't want to be seen with you ". I tried to be as venomous as I could which he bought so easily. He hurried put on his clothes and ran out of the room.

I observed that he was walking with difficulty. A sense of guilt loomed over me. 'I was just caught in the moment otherwise nothing would have happened'.

On the breakfast table dad initiated the conversation "....where is your friend isn't he getting down to eat? "

" friend...?" I emphasized the particular word. 'How the hell did he know..... I thought no one saw us'.
" yes...your friend the one who stayed the night " he counterattacked with an ambiguous smile.
"He was in he left early" I restrained myself to the limited words.

" what's weekend" dad remained unconvinced"...... We are having a party tonight for the successful expansion of our business to the overseas..."  He paused to get my attention. I looked up from the bowl of my soup."......Invite him to the party" he ordered.

"But dad..... he is not a party person " I  wanted to stay away from Mathew. His questionable gaze would be unbearable to me.
" but last night it kind of seemed opposite to me" Dad sternly raised his eyebrow.

'Shit.....!' I mentally groaned 'he knows what we did..... oh my god!'. My heart started to pump vigorously.

" he was pretty much drunk last night,and you are saying he is not a party person..... " he demanded again
" Invite him. You seem pretty close to him.".

" we aren't that close " I just wanted him to leave Mathew out of the conversation.

" yeah...! late night partying together, getting drunk and staying over the night..... surely don't make you guys close." He sarcastically commented.

Defeated by my dad's adamant behavior I went to Matthew's  and invited him to the party.

" why the hell would I do that? " he crossed his hands over his chest.
"Coz I am asking you
knucklehead...... " I snickered "..... you better be there by yourself or I know where to find you....." I made myself quite clear to him.

" I was fucking drunk...but what the hell were you doing at the gay bar" He scoffed ".... you were sober. How can you not know anything ? Why can't you tell me what you saw. Are you afraid I might tell the others that you were at the bar".?

" shut the funk up ... "I grabbed his collar staring straight to him. Eyes to eyes..... Chest to chest..... His heavy breathing..... his muffled groans..... reminded me of the passionate night. His plump lips were soft..... so soft that just staring at them could make me shoot in my pants. The wish to suck those lips..... to rip those pieces of clothes flip him over again....
" shit..." I mentally groaned. I loosened my grip and pushed him back and turned around in confusion " I will send George to pick you up...... " and I  left his house with an unsolved mystery behind.


I called the escort guy to know what happened between us but he just told me that nothing happened, I left the bar with the other guy. Then a boy came searching for me, asking my whereabouts and knocking the shit out of him.

"can you tell me who he was " I was so confused and scared that I thought It would be better if I know who I slept with. Either we used protection or.... I need to know that.... I was fucking drunk... And when you are drunk at the bars like that. .... shit happens all the time.

" How the he'll am I supposed to know. I have never saw him
before.... " he sounded angered.

" What about the other guy who took me out..... can you get his contact for me? " I worriedly suggested.
" no.... I can't  do that... It's confidential...... But can ask him if you really want to know" His hopeful voice get me charged with the same feeling.

"OK.... OK... that would be great........ hey......i know..... if you can send me a photo of the other guy who was asking about me...... ".

he interrupted my sentence before I could have completed it "what..... It's not like he is my boyfriend. Why would I have his photo......".

"No,no,no,no.....i didn't mean it like that. I mean if you can manage to have an image of him from the CCTV footage of the bar ...... you are a regular.... right? They will let you know... please..... it's kind of important.... " I almost pleaded.

"I don't give a dam about this...." the rustling sounded like he was about to disconnect the call.
"I can pay you...... " I offered

"how much.....?"

"500... "

"no.....1000" He negotiated.
" 700...." there is no way on earth I would pay him that much.

"fine..... 800 last call.....take it or leave it.
" OK... deal? "
"deal...... "I'll send you a picture as soon as I get it" he assured.

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