News From Nowhere

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He roamed the tip of his fingers as if drawing an out line on my six packs. I wanted to run away but my knees gave out. I was set on fire. He slithered his hands up and down on my body, before continuously making small circles around my nipples. He neared his lips to my ears and wishpered
" you are so fucking hot....! " and licked my jawline leaving a wet trail behind.

I shuddered vigorously and leaned into his touch. A buzz sound was roaring in my head making it impossible to think clearly. I huffed in confusion and excitement. His hot breath was making it hard to hold back the already growing heat between us.

He lowered his hands;the left one snaking around my waist and the right one grabbed my crotch. My heart skipped a few beats. My vision was a blur and I felt the dizziness as if my surroundings were spinning in circles.

" go" I hardly formed a sentence to stop him.

"why....?" He wishpered,continuously rubbing his right hand on the right place " don't you want to....."he neared his lips to my ears and nibbled my earlobe "....go to school or you want me to call your coach...." he warned.

Startled by the sudden change of tone ,I butt landed on the floor.

"Dad....!"Covered in sweat ,I almost shouted at him"What the hell are you doing here?" I tried to wipe the sweat out of my forehead and was huffing like a Street dog running behind a moving car.

" did you had a bad dream? "Like a concerned father he asked. I ignored to look at him ,when I realised the dream I dreamed about. Snatching the pillow from the side of the bed I tried to cover my hard on with it and dragged up myself to sit on the bed,legs still dangling from the edges.

" no..." I tried to assure him " no bad dream"!'Or more like wet dream' the sudden realisation hit me hard. 'Fuck' I mentally cursed.

"You need to hurry up....." He brought my attention back to him and raised his wrist " you are getting late ".

'Am I really wanted to go to school ?' I asked to myself and the answer was in negative.

" I don't want to go....."I pouted like a child. Dad smiled and sat next to me placing his one hand on my shoulder he said" don't you want to practice.... Or you can handle your coach "he threatened so calmly as if teaching me a moral.

I silently stood up and walked to the bathroom.

" why are you clinging upon your pillow"? I stopped at his voice and looked at him. He quirked his brows and I hurriedly rushed back to the gate of bathroom and threw the pillow back to the bed as soon as i entered . Leaning at the side of wall I heaved a sigh of relief.

Lastly what I heard was a loud chuckle from outside.


I didn't wanted to come out from the bathroom,until my father has left for the work. ' It was so fucking embarrassing'.

When I came out of my room fully dressed and ready to go school I found my breakfast on the table and a note stating ' it's OK... it's all part of growing up' I crumbled the note and cursed the day that fucking Sam was born. And it brought me back to my previous concern ' am I really gay?' I sighed while sitting on the chair to have my breakfast.

'Even If I am gay...... ! then why the fuck I was dreaming about him?'.I slouched deep in my seat.

' There is no way on earth I would like him. 'I hate him so much that my mind must have been preoccupied with his thoughts' I tried to reason with myself ,'then wtf....'

My thoughts were interrupted by the continuous ringing of door bell. As usual Mika came to pick me up.

"Are you all right"? she asked while starting the car. I only hummed in response.

"You seem a bit off today" she remarked while driving.
" let Michael handle that guy" She clicked her tongue before I could have responded " you just need to focus on your practice ".

Right, I need to focus on my practice. I have trials on Monday. It's Thursday already.


After reaching at school I was on alert not to bummed into the douche. I walked to the lockers to fetch my books while Mika was waiting for Michael as he was not picking up his phone when we have called. 'Where the hell is he?'.

" this all is your fucking fault" all of a sudden I was slammed against my locker,towering over me was my arch enemy 'Sam the Dam'. My head was pounding against the hard surface,I hissed in pain glaring straight to him. He was fuming with anger like a predator ready to attack his prey. He stretched his right hand to grab my neck and placed the left one on my shoulder to keep me still. He lowered his chin to my ear and snarled "you are fucking dead 'Meth' ,if I have a slightest clue of your involvement in this shit, I will hunt you down till your last breath".

I was choking on air and my vision was a blur ,for a while I thought I was going to die .Mustering all the courage that I could have found, I yanked him away from me. Mean while I was gasping for the air, that dickhead had his usual cocky smirk. I aimed at him and broke his nose ,blood oozing in droplets" want to mess with me Sammy! , first of all clear your own shit, you son of a bitch! "with that I took a kidney shot and punched hard at the side of his lower abdomen, while he was still holding his bleeding nose and I left the locker room with a sense of victory.

'Wtf was that?' I pondered over what he said ' what the hell was he talking about?'. I have never seen him so fucking angry!' And if it had something to do with me..........' I am soooo... fucking dead!'.

As I walked back to the hallway Michael was there with Mika. He waved at me. " now there is no need to worry about that Samuel thing" he informed " I handled him very well".

"What!" I blinked at him " w...what do you mean? " I still was processing the encounter with Sam. As for as my two stupid friends are concerned,they can go far enough to protect me from that dickhead.

"Haven't you seen it yet?" Mika exclaimed as if she was referring to the lottery number that I had won.

Michael handed me his phone" on the front page of school site" he flashed me a smile.

My pupils diluted as i gawked at the image of two naked boys sleeping together in bed.

"Why the fuck did you uploaded this, Where on earth did you get this? " I gritted angrily clenching my fist to prevent myself from punching the amused look on his face. Beads of sweat started to form on my temples.

"What can I say...." he shrugged " I am a good spy. I have my own ways. When you were enjoying the party with Mika I was doing the work you assigned for me".

'Yes this all is my fucking fault. It all started with me. I asked Michael to spy on him. Shit! he is gonna kill me for sure......'

"Stop babbling"Mika shipped me out of the trance.

I literally was trembling . I might had a panic attack.

" pull your self together. No one can recognise you. " Michael assured" let Samuel deal with this shit and you should focus on trials ".

I squinted further to look carefully at the picture. It was a photo from the hotel we stayed in. Michael was right half of my face was covered with the fringe of my hair and rest half was buried in the crook of his neck, fitting together like a piece of puzzle.

" But what about Samuel "I looked up " he clearly knows what the picture is about " and asked Michael.

"He won't find out who uploaded this"he assured with his signature smile" let's go we are getting late for the class " turning to Mika he dragged her ,leaving me hanging in between my upcoming doom.

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