The Dream

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Disclaimer: All Fairy Tail Characters Belong to Hiro Mashima, Tiamat is loosely based on Tiamat from Forgotten Realms which Belongs to Wizards of the Coast, LLC. The traits of the chromatic dragons have been altered to match the dragon slayers in the Fairy Tail Universe.

Chapter 16: The Dream

Natsu opened his eyes to see a pair of dark blue eyes gazing at him. He smiled sleepily at Gray. The two of them were laying on a bed in a room he did not recognize. He didn't remember how he'd gotten here but everything in the room was sized for a giant so he assumed they must be staying in the house of one of the villagers they had saved. Before he realized what he was doing he had moved his body closer to Gray's and snuggled up to him.

"Good morning.", Gray smiled at him surprised by the unexpected affection but happy to receive it. He wrapped his arms around the fire mage and held him close.

"Good dream? You were smiling in your sleep."

"Hmmm. You and I were going fishing with Happy and this little boy. He had pink hair like me but eyes like yours.", Natsu's olive eyes sparkled as he shared his dream with the ice mage.

"We, well mostly you, had been trying to teach him how to put bait on the hook of the fishing rod but he was much more interested in jumping into the river and splashing us. He liked it when I used my fire to dry us off. He was laughing happily and all the fish were scared away. Happy was furious with him and started to scold him but then the little boy just waved his hands over the water and fish started jumping into his hands. He caught them and handed them all over to Happy as an apology. Happy looked like he was getting ready to kiss him, I think he might have even forgotten all about Carla at that moment."

Gray snorted at that, Happy did love his fish.

"Then the little boy grabbed our hands and we swung him up in the air between us as we walked back from the river. He was giggling and we were both smiling down at him. When he started to get tired you scooped him up and carried him on your shoulders while we walked hand in hand until we got home. We went inside and you put him down for a nap on the couch. Then you put your arms around me and kissed me."

Natsu's cheeks heated up as he remembered how Gray's kiss had made him feel in the dream. It had been nothing like the awkward peck from the previous day.

"That does sound like a very nice dream.", Gray was relieved at the excitement in his mate's voice. He imagined what the life in Natsu's dream might be like and found that he didn't mind it as much as he thought he would. They were both still young but it wasn't like they would ever get this chance again. He just wished that the circumstances had been different. They also hadn't talked about the fact that the kid was probably not going to be a normal kid but that could wait. Natsu was happy right now and that was frankly more than what he had expected after the way he reacted the night before.

He looked at the heat coloring Natsu's face and he felt a strong desire to kiss him like his dream self had. He wanted to be the one causing his mate to blush like that. "Can I kiss you?", Gray asked Natsu shyly.

Natsu, emboldened by the dream responded by kissing him instead. It was so much better than the kisses he'd received from Tiamat pretending to be Gray, better even than the fading sensation from his dream. He was enveloped by his mate's comforting smell and the refreshing coolness of his body. He could feel Gray's emotions rising to meet his own as their lips met and he never wanted the moment to end. He felt his body responding to the kiss and the feel of Gray's body on his and a groan burst forth from his throat unexpectedly. He moved away in embarassment as Gray laughed at him.

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