A horrible accident

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Poppy happily packed all of her stuff and headed to Branch's bunker with Clover and Iris beside her. She wanted everyone to stay together, she would feel awful not always being there with her siblings. And as for branch, it would devastate him to leave his sister all alone.
Poppy: branch we're here.
Branch: ( opens the door ) oh hey pops, guys it's good to see you. You brought all your stuff.
Poppy: we sure did.
Branch: alright poppy you can put your stuff in my room. Clover and Iris you guys are staying in Twig's room sharing a bunk bed for now. Don't get any ideas Clover.
Clover: ok I wasn't. Jeez.
Poppy: oh leave him alone branch.
Branch: alright I'll stop.
Poppy: that's what you said last time. We know you love Twig and trust me you make it very clear but Clover would never do anything to hurt her.
Clover: yeah.
Branch: sorry dude.
Clover: it's alright man.
Iris: well is Twig in her room now.
Branch: yeah. She's preparing your beds. Your both sharing a bunk bed.
Iris: YES ! I call top bunk.
Clover: I rather sleep on the bottom.
Branch: then it's seddled.
Clover: could we go see twig now.
Branch: yeah.

Both Clover and Iris dash their way to Twig's room and they see a perfectly made bunk bed.

Both Clover and Iris dash their way to Twig's room and they see a perfectly made bunk bed

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Iris: wow it's really cool.
Clover: it's awesome.
Twig: well it was the least I could do.
Clover: I'm so happy we live together now.
Twig: me too.
Iris: guys. remember what branch said. Don't get any ideas.
Clover: IRIS!!
Iris: I was only teasing shesh.
Twig: well don't.
Iris: fine.

( Meanwhile )
Poppy: it's great that we live together now.
Branch: yeah it's great.
Poppy: omt. I just remembered we need to talk about our wedding.
Branch: oh yeah that's right.
Poppy: I gotta think about decorations, the priest, the guests, the food, my dress, bridesmaids dresses, your suit, what the guys will wear, my maid of honor, your best man, the cake, the kind of music we'll dance to, and the setting.
Branch: well I have a best man in mind. Well not really best man but I have someone in mind to take that position.
Poppy: who would that be.
Branch: my sister. Well she wouldn't be best man more like best girl.
Poppy: that's so sweet. I actually have my maid of honor in mind to.
Branch: who is it.
Poppy: I've decided it will be my sister.
Branch: well then that just leaves everything else.
Poppy: how are we going to do all that.
Branch: well how about we ask our siblings for help.
Poppy: that's a great idea.


Iris: of course we'll help out.
Clover: We're Masters when it comes to stuff like this.
Twig: yeah. How about this. The twins and I take care of wardrobe, Iris your on cake duty, Clover your in charge of the food, Fireza can be priest, Bella and Penny will handle invitations, Ray, frizzy, and Tiffany will handle decorations, Sapphire will look for the perfect setting, and DJ Sam will handle music.
Iris: alright.
Clover: sounds good.
Poppy: I knew it was a good idea to ask for their help.
Branch: yeah me too. Wait I just realized. What about Tiffany's wedding.
Twig: same plan.
Poppy: alright we're leaving everything up to you guys to make this the best wedding.
Branch: We're counting on you.
Twig: just leave everything up to us.
Clover: yeah we got this.
Iris: totally.
Branch: alright get to it.
Twig: we will.

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