The wedding 💐💐

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The wedding was today. Twig and Iris were trying to wake up their siblings furiously because they were just so excited.
Poppy: ( groaning ) Iris c'mon. Can't it wait 5 minutes.
Iris: nope. You gotta get up. Your the bride.
Poppy: ugh fine.
Iris: great let's go wake up Clover and get ready.

( Meanwhile )
Branch: ( snoring )
Twig: ( sounds her air horn ) RISE AND SHINE SLEEPY HEAD.
Branch: AAAAAHHH WHAT HAPPENED. Twig what was that for.
Twig: oh I don't know. Maybe cause of the fact that your wedding is today.
Twig: your welcome.
Branch: Alright get dressed and breakfast so we can go.
Twig: I already did all of that.
Branch: fine then let's meet up with the guys.

So poppy met up with the girls and branch met up with the guys so they can get ready.
( With the girls )
Poppy: I can't believe this is happening.
Iris: what ? That your getting married.
Poppy: Yeah.
Iris: are you nervous ?
Poppy: who wouldn't be.
Iris: it's normal.
Poppy: I know. It's just that there's so many what ifs running through my mind.
Iris: everything is going to be okay. Your both gonna live happily ever after. ( Applies glittery eyeshadow to her eyelids ).
Poppy: thanks sis.
Iris: your welcome sis.
Poppy: what would I do without you.
Iris: I have no idea.
Both: ( giggle )
Tiffany: hey guys. Where's Twig.
Iris: oh she's with the guys.
Tiffany: 😐
Poppy: she's helping branch get ready.
Tiffany: oh ok.
Iris: I heard she made him put extra glitter on his cheeks.
Tiffany: no way. Are you serious.
Poppy: your messing with us.
Iris: nope I am most definitely not.

Every girl in the room starts laughing.

Tiffany: it's Priceless I wonder how it's going for him.

( With the guys )

Branch: no I'm not doing it.
Twig: can you stop complaining and hold still ( put some glitter on his cheeks ). Finally that took an eternity.
Branch: why did you have to do that. I look ridiculous.
Twig: no you don't. You look charming.
Branch: did you say I looked charming. ( smirks and raised a brow )
Twig: yeah well don't get used to it.
Branch: ouch.
Twig: ( Chuckles )
Branch: ( chuckles )
Twig: now finish getting ready. You'll be late to your own wedding.
Branch: alright sis I will.

So everyone was ready and were waiting for Poppy to walk down the aisle.
Peppy: are you ready poppy.
Poppy: I'm ready dad.

So peppy walked poppy down the aisle and everyone was flabbergasted while looking at her, branch smiled while blushing looking at his Bride.


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