Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


Pain ricocheted throughout all my body. It was as though tiny invisible needles kept pricking my skin, as though bees were crawling underneath my skin as they repeatedly stung me. Even my eyelids burned from the pain.

I tried to scream, to call for help. I want my mother. I need somebody to come help reduce some of this pain. But even taking a lungful full of air through my mouth burned like fire, nevermind being able to pass a whisper through my lips.

My throat is so dry. Dry like the deserts. There is no saliva in my mouth in order to swallow to at least give my throat some form of hydration. Breathing air down my throat felt as though fire was licking at each crevice; but I felt as though any second that passed, it surely would burst into flames.

I managed to mouth 'water'. Whether anybody is here to see the flicker of movement or not was a mystery. I could not even open my eyelid a crack in order to peek around the room. I hope someone was there, I could not even hear the shuffling or feet or breathing over the sound of blood rushing in my ears.

But the slight gentle feel of someones hand on the back of my head, propelling me up ensured me that someone was indeed there. A cold glass brought to my lips excited my system to a new sensation other than pain. The ice cold liquid flowed down my throat like a gentle waterful of soothing liquid.

My body screamed in ectasy at the wonderous feeling. I could feel the cold water slowly travelling through my body. The pain had soothed by a small fraction and I felt grateful to whomever had given me the water to drink.

The glass was pulled away, surely empty. The hand was removed and I was placed back in my original postion. A part of my body felt revived from the new senstations instead of feeling pain.

"Thank you," I croaked quietly.

"It is no problem dear. Do you remember what happened?" He asked calmly. Thinking over his words, I shook my head no. I remembered nothing of the events that took place. "You were outside my child, in the forest during the night. You were attacked by a wolf. I managed to find you just in time. If I hadn't got there when I did, you would be dead."

My mind began swirling. Flashes of memory from that night brushed through my brain like cheeky whispers and branding themselves in my brain. Forever scorching their truth into me, I will never be able to forget what happened now.

"Save your energy. Focus on getting better." Bravely, I managed to open one eye to see my father sitting next to the bed, his eyes full of worry. I gently nod my head and close my eye.

Unable to go to sleep, I tried to remember what happened to me. The moments replayed through my mind like a movie, but when I get so far, it was as though the film was attacked by fire as my memories abruptly stop.

The lack of a beeping sound, shuffling feet, hushed voices, whimpering patients and the distinct smell of cleaning solution informed me that I was not in a hospital. But rather, the familar smell of spiced apples, the sound of the wooden floorboards creaking and the wind whispering just outside the window informed me that I was laid in my bedroom, at home.

I could smell my fathers usual scent, coffee. But I could not smell the welcoming scent of honey, my mother. I could not even feel her presence in the room. She didn't seem to be in the house because I couldn't smell of anything being baked in the kitchen downstairs, or hear her humming as she cleaned the house. Where is she?

"Where... Mom?" I asked. My voice cracking as though I had not used in quite a while. How long have I been out?

"She... Ermm..." My father began. Somehow, I could smell salt in the air. Looking over to him, I see that he was breathing deeply as a few stray tears ran down his face. "She's not with us anymore."

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