Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

One week later...

"BIG BROTHER!" I shrieked as I thundered down the hallway. "BIG BROTHER!"

"Amy, slow down or you're going to bump into someone," Merida called after me. I ignored her and picked up my pace. I turned the corner and ran down the hallway into the living room.

"Big brother!" I shouted as I jumped on Will's back.

"Amy," he laughed as he gripped my thighs while I wrapped my legs around his torso."What are you doing?"

"I missed you." I pouted.

"You're such a child, Amy." He scolded. I leaped down and ran into Harry's arms who just walked into the room.

"Big brother, Will is being mean! He called me a child." I sulked as Harry wrapped his arms around me protectively.

"Will!" He scolded. Will merely shrugged in response. "You know she's sensitive. How could you do that to our little sister?"

"She came out of nowhere and jumped on my back!" Will argued, exasperated. I pouted at him. "Don't you pout at me princess or else I'm gonna give you something to pout about." I looked up at Harry, hoping he would come to my defense.

"Don't worry baby girl, I'm not going to let brother Will hurt you," Harry promised.

"I wasn't going to hurt her." Will grumbled.

"I won't let him touch your chocolate either," Harry promised, smirking at Will who feigned shock.

I laughed at Will's expression. He walked over to us and wrapped us up in his arms. He motioned us to sit down with him and three of us sat down on the sofa. I placed my lap on Will's lap while he played with my hair and kicked my legs over Harry's who drew patterns on my bare skin. It was quite warm today, so I decided to wear shorts.

We were all cuddled up watching Wonderwoman. I was about to fall asleep with the relaxing touches of my big brothers until the thundering voice of the Alpha echoed through the hallways and had me cowering in fear.

"WHO ATE SOME OF MY COOKIES?!" He bellowed. His footsteps boomed on the wooden floors.

"Amy!" Merida whisper yelled as she pounced on me. "Don't say anything. He won't realize it's us... Hopefully."

He stormed into the living room and I kicked Merida off in my attempt to hide. She landed on the floor laughing while Harry and Will dived over and held me in a protective hold.

"Harry, did steal the cookies from my cookie jar?" The alpha said, his town dark and threatening.

"Who, me?" Harry asked, a glint of amusement in his eyes.

"Yes, you." The alpha replied.

"Not me." Harry laughed as he gestured me to be quiet. I knew this game quite well from childhood.

"Then who?" The alpha asked, his voice sounded impatient.

"Will stole the cookies from the cookie jar!" Harry sang, causing Will to glare at him.

"Who, me?" Will sang, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"Yes, you." The alpha replied, amusement laced in his tone.

"Not me!" Will exclaimed dramatically, causing me to giggle.

"Then who?" The alpha and Harry sang.

"Merida stole the cookies from the cookie jar." Will laughed. Merida's face turned white as she glared at Will.

"Who me?" She squeaked.

Compelled By The MoonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora