Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

The wind howled violently outside as the trees creaked and moaned under the harsh pressure. At that moment, I could relate to the trees. Never, in my entire life, did I ever think I would relate to a tree.

Gulping, I looked from the Alpha to the stranger repeatedly. The waves of power were drowning me and I fought the urge to collapse down onto my knees and bow. These two have been having a power battle like Alpha and I do from time to time.

My knees began to tremble. Gritting my teeth, I balled my hands into fists and willed myself to not fall. I glued my attention onto the desk, allowing my body time to adjust and block the authority battle radiating from the two men inside.

Slowly, ever so fucking slowly, I was able to block it all out. I pulled my attention away and looked at the Alpha was glaring daggers at the stranger. I walked to the Alpha's side and inspected the stranger.

Dark hair, blue eyes, strong build. He looked worthy of being an alpha, but he had too much power running through him. "Lycan." Sam hissed through the mind link. I narrowed my eyes at the man and placed a soothing hand on my Alpha's arm. Sam took a seat in his chair with a tired sigh.

I didn't miss the way the wolf my howled in pleasure upon seeing the stranger, or the fact that he smelled deliciously amazing, or the fact that I became wet when I raked my eyes over his bulging muscles that were threatening to rip his shirt apart.

"Alpha," I said coldly, my eyes never leaving the stranger.

"Amy, this is Mike. He is the Alpha of the Lycans. You've met him before." Sam explained in an exhausted voice.

"Can't say I remember, Alpha," I told him. The stranger looked away in pain and I felt a flash of pain cut across my chest at the sight. "Why... Do I not remember?" I looked away from the stranger and down to my Alpha.

"He's your mate, Amy. A few months ago, he came here with the other two Lycans on business. You tried to refuse him but he wouldn't let you. He tried to fight to get you to recognize him for weeks. Then one day, something had happened between the two of you and he decided it was best for them to leave and return after some time had passed by." Sam explained thoughtfully.

"So... Why don't I remember all of that?" I asked, slightly panicked. Did something happen to me? Was I attacked? Do I have some problem where I will forget things? What else have I forgotten?!

"I'm guessing you and your wolf had finally come to an agreement to accept him, to let him in after pushing him away for so long. But when you woke up the next day and discovered they had left, you became detached from all of us. Weeks had passed and the only time the pack would see you were at meal times, and even that was rare. Each time we saw you, you looked more and more drained of life.

"I reckon that eventually, you couldn't handle the pain of being left. I assume you felt as though it was his way of rejecting you. In order for you to recover, you had to forget. Day by day, you forgot all about him and the lycans. You forgot about their visit and their whole existence. You became yourself again before they had come to the pack all those months ago."

Many emotions ripped through me. Sadness, heartbroken, excitement, happiness, anger, frustration. I felt conflicted. My head was dancing and a dull throbbing quickly turned into a migraine. I rubbed my head to help soothe the pain. I staggered away from my Alpha in shock.

The stranger, Mike, reached out to me. His hand touched my arm and gripped my arm gently. Sparks furiously danced along my arm. I pulled away harshly and gave him a look of cold disbelief. My back hit the cabinets of files and some papers from on top scattered the floor.

Images flashed before my eyes. Memories. My memories. The lycans, Mike, the feelings. Everything. It all rushed to me and I went tumbling to the ground. I gripped my head and released an ear-splitting scream from my mouth.

I could hear voices shouting my name, but they all sounded so distant. It was like a movie was playing through my mind and I couldn't press pause. The pain was too harsh, too focused, too strong.

My tears felt warm as they rushed down my burning cheeks. I could faintly feel hands touching my body, inspecting for injuries. I kept my eyes firmly closed because it hurts too much to keep them open. My body felt as though it was being torn apart by the fires of Hell.

I was aware of the whimpers of pain I was making. I was aware of many things going on around me but I still could not stop the memories from invading my mind and taking a hold and firmly planting themselves in the crevices of my brain.

Eventually, the memories stopped, the pain crept away. My body instantly relaxed and became loose with a relieved sigh.

Strong arms were tightly wrapped around my small body. I was snuggled into a warm chest and I knew immediately that I was in Mike's arms, I was smelling Mike's scent. I realized I was previously gripping his shirt for dear life.

"Mate. Mine." I whispered happily on an exhale. I snuggled closer into his chest and felt him tighten his arms around me.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you. If I didn't leave, you would never have had to go through all that." His voice was shaky and I had a feeling he was on the verge of tears. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tried to get closer to him.

"All that matters is that you're here now, with me," I told him, trying to get him to calm down. I slowly pulled away. I grabbed his face and pulled it up to make him look at me. "My mate," I said, a smile on my face.

He mirrored my smile and hugged me close. "I'm so happy you have accepted me now." I felt him shift beneath me and suddenly, I was in the air. He was standing and he was holding me bridal style.

I buried my face in his neck as he left the Alpha's office. I didn't know where he was taking me but I felt the eyes of the pack members on us. Their whispers and gasps were not very discreet. I hid even further into his neck, wishing we were invisible to everyone at that moment.

I heard the click of a door opening and I peered over his shoulder to see him kick it close. With a shriek of surprise, I was thrown into the air and I landed on a comfortable mattress. The bed gobbled me up among its sheets as I bounced up and down from colliding with it.

His body was over mine instantly and he began kissing me as though he was desperate to taste me. It was as though I was the oxygen he needed to breathe. I kissed back with as much need. His hands ran down my body and I moaned into his mouth, giving him the opening to delve his tongue into my mouth.

As our tongues danced, his kiss became rougher and filled with need. I balled his shirt into my hands, intent on keeping him close to me. If he left me now, I would be cold and empty. I needed him. I well and truly needed him close to me right now.

I arched my back as he gripped my hips roughly. I could feel his own need against me as he thrust his hips against my own. Once again, I moaned, but very loudly. His lips left mine and trailed them to my jaw and down my neck.

I wanted him closer.

I needed him to be closer.

I pressed my body against him, trying to relay the message of what I craved. He moaned his approval against my neck. His grip on me tightened but I couldn't feel any pain, it felt pleasurable. The warmth of his hands and the tingles of his touch spread across my body gathered in my lower region.

"Door," I whispered. "Lock it."

Reluctantly, he pulled away from me. I whimpered from the lack of contact between us. I watched as he walked to the door and locked it. The satisfying click had me wanting him to take me against the damn door.

He looked back at me. His eyes were black, full of lust, as he stared back at me with hungry. I was positive my eyes looked the same as his. Within the blink of an eye, he was over me again and our lips began their dance once again. Wrapping my legs around his hips, I curled my arms around his neck as I ground my lower half against him, eliciting a growl from him.

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