Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

How could I be so stupid? I don't want a mate! I have no idea why these Lycans are here in the first place. I can't even begin to fathom why my mate is a damn Lycan. What have I done to deserve such a cruel fate?

I've heard the rumors. Everyone keeps whispering about them. But from what I could overhear, Lycans are horrible, cruel creatures. They kill for fun and they don't like it when people get in their way. Not only that, but they have incredibly short tempers.

Which I guess the temper thing explained the other day, but I will say this; he completely overreacted! Like Jesus Christ! I hadn't seen Harry in the time I was out and I love him. He's been my big brother ever since I arrived at this pack.

Which reminded me, I had to my brothers! Excitement welled up inside me and I danced out of my room. Skipping down the stairs I looked around for either one of them. I scanned the whole house but had no luck in finding my brothers.

"Are you feeling any better?" Susan asked. She's a short old woman who I help around the pack house sometimes.

"Yeah, I'm just... Looking for my brothers." I tell her, disappointment flooding my veins at how I've failed to find them.

"Training grounds my dear. Off you go now." She waved me off and, with her cane, she wobbled away back into the room she had appeared from. I smiled as I saw the brief view of her helping a crying little boy who had fallen over before the door had closed.

With my destination in mind, I made my way to the training grounds humming softly to myself. Suddenly a small hand slipped into my own. I looked down to see the owner of the said small hand.

"Luca." I breathed. He gave me a toothy smile.

"I want to sing the song with you!" He announced cheerfully. I laughed and sat down with the small boy. He had light blonde hair, which looked white under the suns rays and big brown eyes that reminded me of melted chocolate.

"You ready?" I asked and he nodded as he sat in my lap, his back to my chest as he held my hands in his owns. "Let's start at the very beginning"

"A very good place to start!" Luca sings.

"When you read you begin with ABC, when you sing you begin with Do, Re, Mi."

"Do, Re, Mi." Luca copied.

"The first three notes just happen to be... Do, Re, Mi."

"Do, Re, Mi."

"Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Te... Oh, let's see if I can make it easier.

"Do- A deer, a female deer. Re- A drop of golden sun. Mi- A name I call myself. Fa- A long, long way to run. So- A needle pulling thread. La- A note to follow so. Te- A drink with jam and bread. That will bring us back to Do, oh, oh, oh-"

"Do- A deer, a female deer. Re- A drop of golden sun. Mi- A name I call myself. Fa- A long, long way to run. So- A needle pulling thread. La- A note to follow so. Te- A drink with jam and bread. That will bring us back to Do!" Luca sang proudly.

Wrapping my arms around the small boy, I rocked us both side to side as I attacked the side of his face with kisses. "You're getting good at it, Luca. Any day now you'll be a pro." I told him.

"You really think so, Amy? I want to sing for my mate when I meet her. I can't wait to meet her!" He replied, a faraway look glinted in his eyes as he dreamed of who his mate could be. "Why can't you be my mate, Amy?" He then asked, pouting.

"Oh, Luca. I'm too old for you." I laughed, ruffling his hair.

"I turn 10 in a few weeks! C'mon, Amy. Please?" He asks, his hands clasped together in front of him as he turned in my lap and gave me the puppy dog eyes. My heart melted.

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